Episode 034: Change Infants structure

Junior Infant classes can be a bit of a mix with children ranging from very young 4 year olds to very old 5 year olds and the difference between them is easy to spot, in general. There’s also a very odd leap between pre-school and primary school in loads of ways – never mind the … Read more

Episode 034: Change Infants structure

Junior Infant classes can be a bit of a mix with children ranging from very young 4 year olds to very old 5 year olds and the difference between them is easy to spot, in general. There’s also a very odd leap between pre-school and primary school in loads of ways – never mind the … Read more

Episode 033: Reassess Posts of Responsibility

Posts of Responsibility are promoted posts in Irish schools. During the recession, a moratorium was imposed on these posts. When they were to return, we were promised they would be revolutionised and made more relevant to 21st century leadership. Instead, nothing changed except for new labelling. In this episode, I’ll be exploring how we missed … Read more

Episode 033: Reassess Posts of Responsibility

Posts of Responsibility are promoted posts in Irish schools. During the recession, a moratorium was imposed on these posts. When they were to return, we were promised they would be revolutionised and made more relevant to 21st century leadership. Instead, nothing changed except for new labelling. In this episode, I’ll be exploring how we missed … Read more

SPECIAL: The Inclusion Illusion

The National Principals’ Forum was set up in 2018 to try and work with Department of Education to reduce principal workload. They have been trying their best to get the stakeholders that are supposed to be representing principals to represent principals. The group surveyed over 900 principals around the area of Special Education Provision. In … Read more

SPECIAL: The Inclusion Illusion

The National Principals’ Forum was set up in 2018 to try and work with Department of Education to reduce principal workload. They have been trying their best to get the stakeholders that are supposed to be representing principals to represent principals. The group surveyed over 900 principals around the area of Special Education Provision. In … Read more

Episode 032: Keep CAMHS and Carry On

If you’ve worked in a primary school for at least a decade, and you were asked what was the number one change in pupils since you began your career, it wouldn’t be a surprise if children’s mental health was top of the list. However, accessing services for mental health is almost impossible, leading to a … Read more

Episode 032: Keep CAMHS and Carry On

If you’ve worked in a primary school for at least a decade, and you were asked what was the number one change in pupils since you began your career, it wouldn’t be a surprise if children’s mental health was top of the list. However, accessing services for mental health is almost impossible, leading to a … Read more

Episode 031: Reimagination of Capitation

Back in the recession, the capitation grant paid to primary schools was cut a low level of €170 per pupil per day, not even enough to cover their school books, insurance, swimming lessons and whatever else their parents have to dip into their pockets to fund their education, which, of course is supposed to be … Read more

Episode 031: Reimagination of Capitation

Back in the recession, the capitation grant paid to primary schools was cut a low level of €170 per pupil per day, not even enough to cover their school books, insurance, swimming lessons and whatever else their parents have to dip into their pockets to fund their education, which, of course is supposed to be … Read more