Unsanitised: Blended Learning Q&A (Part 2)

Do you know at the end of a talk when the presenter asks does anyone have any questions, and the room goes silent? Well, I asked Facebook and Twitter that very question about blended learning and here’s the result – the 2nd of 4 mini-episodes on blended learning. Think of them like the Appendix at … Read more

Unsanitised: Blended Learning Q&A (Part 2)

Do you know at the end of a talk when the presenter asks does anyone have any questions, and the room goes silent? Well, I asked Facebook and Twitter that very question about blended learning and here’s the result – the 2nd of 4 mini-episodes on blended learning. Think of them like the Appendix at … Read more

Unsanitised: Blended Learning Q&A (Part1)

Do you know at the end of a talk when the presenter asks does anyone have any questions, and the room goes silent? Well, I asked Facebook and Twitter that very question about blended learning and here’s the result – the first of 4 mini-episodes on blended learning. Think of them like the Appendix at … Read more

Unsanitised: Blended Learning Q&A (Part1)

Do you know at the end of a talk when the presenter asks does anyone have any questions, and the room goes silent? Well, I asked Facebook and Twitter that very question about blended learning and here’s the result – the first of 4 mini-episodes on blended learning. Think of them like the Appendix at … Read more

Unsanitised: Blended Learning and Back to School (Part 5)

It’s Day 1 of the school year. It’s all a bit weird and scary as the squeeze 30 children into your unventilated classroom, all of them breathing in your direction with only the mask you grabbed in Dealz the day before protecting you from potential COVID19. What better way to start the year by teaching … Read more

Unsanitised: Blended Learning and Back to School (Part 5)

It’s Day 1 of the school year. It’s all a bit weird and scary as the squeeze 30 children into your unventilated classroom, all of them breathing in your direction with only the mask you grabbed in Dealz the day before protecting you from potential COVID19. What better way to start the year by teaching … Read more

Unsanitised: Blended Learning and Back to School (Part 4)

Cases are rising, counties are in almost lockdown, there’s more cases growing daily than there was when schools originally closed in March, it seems like the virus is one that’s airborne, all the experts are becoming very wary of a 2nd wave. It sounds like a perfect time to fully reopen schools! In this 4th … Read more

Unsanitised: Blended Learning and Back to School (Part 4)

Cases are rising, counties are in almost lockdown, there’s more cases growing daily than there was when schools originally closed in March, it seems like the virus is one that’s airborne, all the experts are becoming very wary of a 2nd wave. It sounds like a perfect time to fully reopen schools! In this 4th … Read more

Unsanitised: Blended Learning and Back to School (Part 3)

I remember my classroom when I was in primary school – rows of seats, talking wasn’t really allowed, a lot of sitting down in the same place doing bookwork, everyone facing the blackboard. What will the new pandemic classroom look like and how will we have to teach the curriculum? In this part, I examine … Read more

Unsanitised: Blended Learning and Back to School (Part 3)

I remember my classroom when I was in primary school – rows of seats, talking wasn’t really allowed, a lot of sitting down in the same place doing bookwork, everyone facing the blackboard. What will the new pandemic classroom look like and how will we have to teach the curriculum? In this part, I examine … Read more