Episode 39: Scrap Homework

Homework is still one of the most divisive things you can talk about. If you surveyed everyone in the country about whether they think you should scrap homework or not, you’d get a 50-50 response. In this episode, I’m going to explore homework at primary school, some of the reasons why teachers and parents and … Read more

Special Episode: What if we go to Level 5?

On Sunday evening, NPHET announced they were recommending that Ireland moved to Level 5 restrictions. My Monday, the government had rejected the recommendation and imposed Level 3 on the country. But what would school look like at Level 5? I asked Anseo.net listeners and these are their thoughts.

Special Episode: What if we go to Level 5?

On Sunday evening, NPHET announced they were recommending that Ireland moved to Level 5 restrictions. My Monday, the government had rejected the recommendation and imposed Level 3 on the country. But what would school look like at Level 5? I asked Anseo.net listeners and these are their thoughts.

Episode 038: Reduce the Number of Stakeholders

Have you ever wondered what happens at these consultations when the Department of Education meets with all the education stakeholders? I always did and wondered what it would look like. And one day, I got that chance. I was invited to represent one education stakeholder regarding a new Department of Education initiative. I went in … Read more

Episode 038: Reduce the Number of Stakeholders

Have you ever wondered what happens at these consultations when the Department of Education meets with all the education stakeholders? I always did and wondered what it would look like. And one day, I got that chance. I was invited to represent one education stakeholder regarding a new Department of Education initiative. I went in … Read more

Back to School: The Good, The Bad, and The Flat Out Busy (Part 3)

To me Flat Out Busy refers to the agencies and organisations that spent their summers scurrying around scurrying, attending Zoom meetings about meetings, and making statements about statements that they were going to make. They were neither fully good or fully bad and they had the best of intentions but for all the time since … Read more

Back to School: The Good, The Bad, and The Flat Out Busy (Part 3)

To me Flat Out Busy refers to the agencies and organisations that spent their summers scurrying around scurrying, attending Zoom meetings about meetings, and making statements about statements that they were going to make. They were neither fully good or fully bad and they had the best of intentions but for all the time since … Read more

Back to School: The Good, The Bad and The Flat Out Busy, (Part 2)

Last week, I focused on the people that made lockdown and the reopening of schools a more tolerable experience. This week I’m focusing on the bad, and despite a very long list of candidates, only 1 organisation could really fit the bill. Find out which organisation who somehow managed to use the lockdown to make … Read more

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