Special Episode: #ISupportClaremorris

This episode is about a school. A school where over 10% of their pupils have had a positive diagnosis of COVID19. A school where its Board decided that they needed to close the building to stop the spread of the virus. A school that was then told to open back up on Monday morning. And … Read more

Special Episode: #GRMA – Thanks but no thanks

In case you missed it, today has been designated GRMA day, a day dreamed up to make people say thank you to people working in schools over the last number of months. The idea is that at 11am on Friday, everyone in schools is being asked to play a video where various people are going … Read more

Special Episode: #GRMA – Thanks but no thanks

In case you missed it, today has been designated GRMA day, a day dreamed up to make people say thank you to people working in schools over the last number of months. The idea is that at 11am on Friday, everyone in schools is being asked to play a video where various people are going … Read more

Episode 046: Ban the Rote Learning of Tables

Back in my day, the only way we learned our tables was by learning them off by heart. The motivation of doing so was to avoid being humiliated by your teacher and class. Some of you are old enough to remember games like the “Stand Up, Sit down” game where the goal is to remain … Read more

Episode 046: Ban the Rote Learning of Tables

Back in my day, the only way we learned our tables was by learning them off by heart. The motivation of doing so was to avoid being humiliated by your teacher and class. Some of you are old enough to remember games like the “Stand Up, Sit down” game where the goal is to remain … Read more

Untangling the Christmas Decorations

I often compare the Primary Education System to the decorations you find in the attic. Every time you try to untangle a knot, a new knot appears and after a while, you just chuck them over the tree and hope nobody notices the mess. The problem is that I’ve never managed to make that analogy … Read more

Untangling the Christmas Decorations

I often compare the Primary Education System to the decorations you find in the attic. Every time you try to untangle a knot, a new knot appears and after a while, you just chuck them over the tree and hope nobody notices the mess. The problem is that I’ve never managed to make that analogy … Read more

Episode 045: Diversify the Profession

Primary school teaching is most likely one of the least diverse professions in the country. In this episode I explore why this is the case. I don’t think there are too many surprises as to why but what can we do about it?

Episode 045: Diversify the Profession

Primary school teaching is most likely one of the least diverse professions in the country. In this episode I explore why this is the case. I don’t think there are too many surprises as to why but what can we do about it?

Episode 044: Trademark the title of Teacher

Does it annoy you when someone who isn’t a teacher calls themselves a teacher? If you’re in any way sensible, it probably doesn’t. In this, less-than-serious episode, I’ll be taking a break from serious issues and trying to find out whether we should trademark the title of teacher, or change it to something better. Lead … Read more

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