Episode 048: Scrap the Supplementary Panel

Before I even start, I realise that this episode will alienate a whole bunch of people. The reaction I’ll get to this episode will be more violent than any other episode I’ve covered so far. It seems I can rip apart the Catholic Church, the Union and others but this is probably the one that’s … Read more

Episode 047: Have properly resourced sub panels

For the last decade, it has been next to impossible to get substitute teachers when someone is out of work. While there have been moves to address this issue in the last 3 years, in this episode I’ll be arguing that if I were the Minister for Education, I’d be properly resourcing supply panels.

Episode 047: Have properly resourced sub panels

For the last decade, it has been next to impossible to get substitute teachers when someone is out of work. While there have been moves to address this issue in the last 3 years, in this episode I’ll be arguing that if I were the Minister for Education, I’d be properly resourcing supply panels.

PSSA2 – which way should you vote?

At first glance, if you read the INTO documentation, the new PSSA finally achieves pay equality and benchmarking for principals. However, very quickly you realise, it actually doesn’t. In this slightly unscripted episode recording in late January, I try and chart my thought process and nail my colours to the mast by the end. As … Read more

PSSA2 – which way should you vote?

At first glance, if you read the INTO documentation, the new PSSA finally achieves pay equality and benchmarking for principals. However, very quickly you realise, it actually doesn’t. In this slightly unscripted episode recording in late January, I try and chart my thought process and nail my colours to the mast by the end. As … Read more

Why you shouldn’t go zooming off to do live online lessons

In this episode I try and explain why Live Zoom Lessons are not the holy grail many people think they are. I also ponder as to why the very people wanting them tend to be the same people that were giving out about screen time in schools a couple of years ago.

Why you shouldn’t go zooming off to do live online lessons

In this episode I try and explain why Live Zoom Lessons are not the holy grail many people think they are. I also ponder as to why the very people wanting them tend to be the same people that were giving out about screen time in schools a couple of years ago.

Unsanitised: A Seed of a Plan for Reopening

The thing that has struck me most about the debate around the reopening and even the partial reopening of schools is the fact that everyone involved in the discussions, whether it’s the government, the union, or even the various advocacy groups is that all of them share the same goal to get schools open as … Read more