Episode 054: Provide a Principal Step Down Facility

You might not know that if a principal relinquishes his or her position, they are relegated to the most junior member of staff in a school. This is different to every other postholder in a school. For example, if a deputy principal steps down from his/her post, they simply lose their allowance but not their … Read more

INTO Congress 2021: All Talk, No Vaccinations

The pandemic shone a strong light on the last decade of cuts to the education system and Congress is usually a time where members can voice their dismay at them with a hope that the media will help highlight these issues. Unfortunately, with the change in the vaccination schedule, all these issues were put to … Read more

INTO Congress 2021: All Talk, No Vaccinations

The pandemic shone a strong light on the last decade of cuts to the education system and Congress is usually a time where members can voice their dismay at them with a hope that the media will help highlight these issues. Unfortunately, with the change in the vaccination schedule, all these issues were put to … Read more

Special Episode: Aren’t we the April Fools?

After all the platitudes about how important schools are and all the promises that we’d be prioritised for a vaccine, sure what better way to show that gratitude by pulling it all away? However, how did we get into this situation where the government feel they can walk all over us and, in the end, … Read more

Special Episode: Aren’t we the April Fools?

After all the platitudes about how important schools are and all the promises that we’d be prioritised for a vaccine, sure what better way to show that gratitude by pulling it all away? However, how did we get into this situation where the government feel they can walk all over us and, in the end, … Read more

Episode 052: Have specialised qualifications for Infant teachers

If you’re a regular listener to this podcast, you’ll know that I did my teaching qualification in the UK and qualified with a PGCE. However, my PGCE was different from some of my colleagues that got the same qualification at the end of it. My qualification was with a specialisation in upper primary and theirs … Read more

Episode 052: Have specialised qualifications for Infant teachers

If you’re a regular listener to this podcast, you’ll know that I did my teaching qualification in the UK and qualified with a PGCE. However, my PGCE was different from some of my colleagues that got the same qualification at the end of it. My qualification was with a specialisation in upper primary and theirs … Read more

Episode 051: Cluster OTs and SLTs to Schools

When a child requires OT or SLT support, they join a very long waiting list with the HSE and when they finally get an appointment, they might be taken on for a short block of sessions in whatever therapy is needed. However, it generally takes place during school, and often it’s difficult for parents to … Read more

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