Episode 057: Provide Online Wage Slips

Did you know it costs the State €2m every year to post out payslips to school staff? In this episode I look at examples of wasting money in the Department of Education and what could be achieved if we spent money more wisely.

Poetry Reading: 9 Recommendations for Additional Educational Needs (part 1)

In this special episode, I look at the report written by the National Principals’ Forum, titled: Critical Analysis of Supports for Pupils with Additional Educational Needs and their School Leaders in Irish Primary Schools, which gives 9 recommendations to government to help solve the continuing decline of supports to children with additional needs. Part 1 … Read more

Poetry Reading: 9 Recommendations for Additional Educational Needs (part 1)

In this special episode, I look at the report written by the National Principals’ Forum, titled: Critical Analysis of Supports for Pupils with Additional Educational Needs and their School Leaders in Irish Primary Schools, which gives 9 recommendations to government to help solve the continuing decline of supports to children with additional needs. Part 1 … Read more

Episode 056: A Paper-Free Curriculum

In my first school it cost us 7c per page to photocopy a black and white sheet. It taught me to try and not use the photocopier very often and when I moved to a different school where there were no limits of copying, I took some of the lessons I learned about not using … Read more

Episode 056: A Paper-Free Curriculum

In my first school it cost us 7c per page to photocopy a black and white sheet. It taught me to try and not use the photocopier very often and when I moved to a different school where there were no limits of copying, I took some of the lessons I learned about not using … Read more

Episode 055: Set a contract of hours for teachers

Have you ever heard anyone give out about radio presenters with their cushy jobs only working 2 hours a day? In this episode I try to explore what teachers do with all their spare time after working their half days and their 6 months of holidays!! Seriously though, listen in and see if you agree … Read more

Episode 055: Set a contract of hours for teachers

Have you ever heard anyone give out about radio presenters with their cushy jobs only working 2 hours a day? In this episode I try to explore what teachers do with all their spare time after working their half days and their 6 months of holidays!! Seriously though, listen in and see if you agree … Read more

Episode 054: Provide a Principal Step Down Facility

You might not know that if a principal relinquishes his or her position, they are relegated to the most junior member of staff in a school. This is different to every other postholder in a school. For example, if a deputy principal steps down from his/her post, they simply lose their allowance but not their … Read more

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