Episode 059: Pay Developing Schools based on current Enrollments

In this episode, I explore a number of ways developing schools are screwed over by the Department of Education in terms of money and resources. Funnily enough, the NCSE get a bashing for doing the same thing. I also introduce “The Norma Foley Rule” and welcome the new Flourish Curriculum, I mean, Resource into your … Read more

Live Poetry Reading: Departmental Strategy Statement (2021-23)

The Departmental Strategy Statement (2021-23) was released this week with all sorts of goals for education. Listen to me grumble my way through this document and explode with rage at various points. Unlike the Department, I won’t blame COVID19 for everything wrong. It was well-wrong before 2020 came along.

Live Poetry Reading: Departmental Strategy Statement (2021-23)

The Departmental Strategy Statement (2021-23) was released this week with all sorts of goals for education. Listen to me grumble my way through this document and explode with rage at various points. Unlike the Department, I won’t blame COVID19 for everything wrong. It was well-wrong before 2020 came along.

Episode 058: Reduce Circulars to a Maximum 1 per Term

Did you know that up until from 1997 to 2012, there were never more than around 40 circulars produced by the Department of Education in a year? Since 201 5, it’s never been less than 80. In this episode, I explore why we need to reduce circulars to one per term and how it’s entirely … Read more

Episode 058: Reduce Circulars to a Maximum 1 per Term

Did you know that up until from 1997 to 2012, there were never more than around 40 circulars produced by the Department of Education in a year? Since 201 5, it’s never been less than 80. In this episode, I explore why we need to reduce circulars to one per term and how it’s entirely … Read more

Live Poetry Reading: Venting about Ventilation

Although it’s nearly June 2021, it feels like it’s August 2020, with another lot of documents published late in the week from the Department of Education. This week it was cleaning grants and ventilation guides. Join me as I try to make sense CO2 monitors and why cleaning grants have been cut again.

Live Poetry Reading: Venting about Ventilation

Although it’s nearly June 2021, it feels like it’s August 2020, with another lot of documents published late in the week from the Department of Education. This week it was cleaning grants and ventilation guides. Join me as I try to make sense CO2 monitors and why cleaning grants have been cut again.

Live Poetry Reading: Summer Programme 2021 Summer-ised

In this special episode I take the guidelines from this year’s summer programme and try and explain how it will all work to any school thinking of doing it. My school has been running a summer programme every year for the last 13 years so hopefully it will be of use.

Live Poetry Reading: Summer Programme 2021 Summer-ised

In this special episode I take the guidelines from this year’s summer programme and try and explain how it will all work to any school thinking of doing it. My school has been running a summer programme every year for the last 13 years so hopefully it will be of use.

Episode 057: Provide Online Wage Slips

Did you know it costs the State €2m every year to post out payslips to school staff? In this episode I look at examples of wasting money in the Department of Education and what could be achieved if we spent money more wisely.

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