Interview 3: Paula Galvin

I was delighted to chat to Paula Galvin, a teacher of over 40 years. We discuss everything from the limitations of textbooks, why teachers are afraid to teach, and why the new SESE curriculum will be out of date when it’s released.

Episode 068: All Special Classes get an Admin Principal

In October 2021, Teaching Principals were told that if they opened 2 special classes, they would become an admin principal. This decision affected around 30 schools. However, was it the right decision? In this episode I wonder why.

Episode 068: All Special Classes get an Admin Principal

In October 2021, Teaching Principals were told that if they opened 2 special classes, they would become an admin principal. This decision affected around 30 schools. However, was it the right decision? In this episode I wonder why.

Episode 067: How Clean is Your School?

Did you know the Department of Education doesn’t provide a specific grant for cleaning staff so schools have to cobble together the money from funds that are supposed to cover other expenses? However, like secretaries and caretakers, shouldn’t the Department of Education be paying cleaners directly?

Episode 067: How Clean is Your School?

Did you know the Department of Education doesn’t provide a specific grant for cleaning staff so schools have to cobble together the money from funds that are supposed to cover other expenses? However, like secretaries and caretakers, shouldn’t the Department of Education be paying cleaners directly?

Special Episode: Mid-Term Circuit Break

As we crawl to the mid term break, I look back on the extraordinary week when representative bodies forgot their only job (to represent their members) and I discuss what you felt were the worst things that COVID19 has shone a light on in the education system.

Special Episode: Mid-Term Circuit Break

As we crawl to the mid term break, I look back on the extraordinary week when representative bodies forgot their only job (to represent their members) and I discuss what you felt were the worst things that COVID19 has shone a light on in the education system.

Interview 2: Anne Hartnett (Episode 066) What Special Schools Need

I’ve never worked in a Special School so what right have I to say what they need. Luckily I had some help! In this episode I interview Anne Hartnett, principal of St. Paul’s Special School in Cork. She tells me all about Special Schools and, rather than me, Anne tells us what she would do … Read more