Episode 072: Make School Transport Free

The Department of Education are seeking submissions to improve the School Transport Service. By the end of this episode, I bet they’ll be sorry they asked!

Episode 072: Make School Transport Free

The Department of Education are seeking submissions to improve the School Transport Service. By the end of this episode, I bet they’ll be sorry they asked!

Episode 071: Scrap Catholic Schools’ Week Part 2

In Part 2 of this episode, I explain why Catholic Schools’ Week is like having a Men Only Golf Club then celebrating Men’s Week during the year. By the end of the episode I have a depressing realisation.

Episode 071: Scrap Catholic Schools’ Week Part 2

In Part 2 of this episode, I explain why Catholic Schools’ Week is like having a Men Only Golf Club then celebrating Men’s Week during the year. By the end of the episode I have a depressing realisation.

Episode 071: Scrap Catholic Schools’ Week Part 1

It’s Catholic Schools’ Week in Ireland. In the first part of this 2-part episode, I examine why there’s a need for this annual celebration. It is close to the bone but nothing should be free from scrutiny.

Episode 071: Scrap Catholic Schools’ Week Part 1

It’s Catholic Schools’ Week in Ireland. In the first part of this 2-part episode, I examine why there’s a need for this annual celebration. It is close to the bone but nothing should be free from scrutiny.

Episode 070: Make Primary School Actually Free

Donagh O’Malley is often referred to as the greatest Minister of all time for introducing free second level education. Well, move over O’Malley, there’s a new sheriff in the Ministirial chair!

Episode 070: Make Primary School Actually Free

Donagh O’Malley is often referred to as the greatest Minister of all time for introducing free second level education. Well, move over O’Malley, there’s a new sheriff in the Ministirial chair!

Episode 069: Centre Broadband Hubs around Schools

We are also always being told that schools are supposed to be centres of communities, especially in rural areas. If that’s the case, then it follows that services such as broadband would be centred around these places. So in this episode, if I were the MfE, I would be making broadband hubs around schools.