Interview 10: Conor Bredin (Part 3)

In the final part of our chat, Conor and I discuss the INTO’s support of the LGBT+ community. We talk about schools that raise the Pride Flag but do nothing more and then we talk about some resources that teachers could use in the classroom without “undermining” the ethos (not my words!) Finally, Conor tells … Read more

Interview 10: Conor Bredin (Part 2)

It’s not often you’ll hear me speechless but in this part of my interview with Conor Bredin, he speaks about his experience of being a gay teacher in Ireland. For anyone that thinks working in the Catholic system is no harm, needs to listen to this. Conor gives his thoughts on this issue and sums … Read more

Interview 10: Conor Bredin (Part 2)

It’s not often you’ll hear me speechless but in this part of my interview with Conor Bredin, he speaks about his experience of being a gay teacher in Ireland. For anyone that thinks working in the Catholic system is no harm, needs to listen to this. Conor gives his thoughts on this issue and sums … Read more

Interview 10: Conor Bredin (Part 1)

In this 3-part episode, I interview Conor Bredin – teacher, podcaster and author. Conor will be well known to anyone who was at the 2022 INTO Congress where he received a standing ovation for telling his experience of being a gay teacher in Ireland. However, Conor wears many hats and in this part I learn … Read more

Interview 10: Conor Bredin (Part 1)

In this 3-part episode, I interview Conor Bredin – teacher, podcaster and author. Conor will be well known to anyone who was at the 2022 INTO Congress where he received a standing ovation for telling his experience of being a gay teacher in Ireland. However, Conor wears many hats and in this part I learn … Read more

Live Poetry Reading: Catholics up to no good, as usual

Forgive the paraphrased Father Ted quote but it’s probably appropriate after reading Emma O’Kelly’s excellent article: “Bishops sought ‘commitment’ on priority for Catholic children in schools” I read through this article attempting to give further context and background, as well as cringe through the astounding arrogance shown by the parties involved. {{where-to-listen}}

Live Poetry Reading: Catholics up to no good, as usual

Forgive the paraphrased Father Ted quote but it’s probably appropriate after reading Emma O’Kelly’s excellent article: “Bishops sought ‘commitment’ on priority for Catholic children in schools” I read through this article attempting to give further context and background, as well as cringe through the astounding arrogance shown by the parties involved.

Minister Josepha making schools Mad-again.

This week (May 31st) the SNA allocations were released to primary schools. It had been promised that a new frontloading model was to be used but for a third year in a row, school allocations were frozen. In this episode, I examine: why the representative bodies rarely, if ever, publicly condemn the NCSE why the … Read more

Minister Josepha making schools Mad-again.

This week (May 31st) the SNA allocations were released to primary schools. It had been promised that a new frontloading model was to be used but for a third year in a row, school allocations were frozen. In this episode, I examine: why the representative bodies rarely, if ever, publicly condemn the NCSE why the … Read more

Interview 9: Climate Crisis with the Irish Schools Sustainability Network

One thing that binds us all together is our planet, and it would seem surprising if teachers around the country wouldn’t be worried about the impending climate crisis. I was thrilled to be joined by Mary Moore and Laura NĂ­ Mhaille from the Irish Schools Sustainability Network to discuss how teachers can help. We got … Read more

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