Cold weather hunt!

We are a class of 27 junior infants in St. Fiacc’s NS, Graiguecullen, Carlow. My name is Ms. Lewis( formally Ms. Normington, marriage stepped in and made me magically change my name!)

I love getting my class out and about as we have a massive play area and grounds. Plus the children love it. I had originally promised our “Winter walk” for the Wednesday but I had forgotten my camera and warm coat, I was bugged by one 5 year old about the promise I had made!!I promptly brought my coat and camera in on Thursday!

We have been chatting a lot about suitable clothes for the seasons and the class had lots to say on this topic, as they do for every topic, they love the ol’ chatting!

We were also going to be hunting for signs of winter..on the ground, in the trees, on plants and on the animals and insects outside!

We wrapped up warmly and headed out in our neat line of partners.

Have a look at the photos to see all the signs we found

See them in full size by clicking here.

Last Update: August 17, 2017  

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