G Suite vs Aladdin

What is the difference between G Suite and Aladdin; and what are the pros and cons of both? Before I start to answer this question, it might be helpful to explain that both these services, while they have some overlap, are two very different products. Interestingly, Aladdin is actually built on Google’s (G Suite) servers and is technically a third party product running on Google!

Aladdin, at its heart, is a student information system, which allows primary schools to manage their students in several ways. G Suite is (as its name suggests) a suite of products from Google. This suite of products includes a Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Email, Chat, Video Conference, Virtual Classroom, Web Site maker, calendar, and, of course, a Search Engine! It includes lots of other tools, which I won’t get into here. Aladdin doesn’t really contain any of these functions but uses them somewhat invisibly. Aladdin contains a database of every child but also has a full texting system, school library, money collection service, homework system, attendance tracker, etc. The services extend all the time.

While one can utilise G Suite to do some of the functions of Aladdin, it takes a lot of work and isn’t really that user friendly. However, like Love and Marriage, Aladdin needs G Suite. You can’t have one without the other. Well, technically you can, but it isn’t a great recipe, and because G Suite for Education is free, why wouldn’t you sign up for it?

I guess it’s hard to compare the two as they both do different things even though there is a little bit of overlap. Personally, I’d go for both. One is free and the other pays for itself in time and convenience.

Last Update: May 18, 2019  

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