Review:New Wave English in Practice:Prim-Ed

Review:New Wave English in Practice:Prim-Ed

I am sure that many teachers out there have used Prim-Ed’s New Wave Mental Maths books. If so, you might be interested in the New Wave English in practice books from Prim-Ed that basically use a very similar approach.

The books cover different areas of the English curriculum and are a basic practice book. They start off in 1st Class and run all the way up to 6th Class, again in a similar way to the Mental Maths books. The areas that children can test themselves on are spelling, vocab and grammar.

new wave englishThe daily tests are designed for each child to complete in a set amount of time. This approach will suit teachers that enjoy using repetition as a teaching methodology but might not suit the teacher who is more focused on active learning. However, a teacher can pick and choose which areas they would like to focus on as the books are designed using a numbered format as opposed to a “Day one/Monday” format. Pupil record sheets have been included in each book to help children keep note and monitor their own progress by using self-assessment.

These books would be something that a teacher would probably purchase for the whole class, they are priced at €5.99 and you can purchase them from Prim-Ed at

Last Update: August 9, 2017  

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