Review:Dice Activities(Prim-Ed)

Dice Activities:Building number sense and power is a photocopiable teacher resource book available from Prim-Ed.

There are 4 books ranging from ages 5-8, 6-9, 8-12 and 10-13. Each age group tallies nicely with the appropriate curriculum aims.

It does what it says it does! It focuses its objectives on building up numerical skills and knowledge using dice games.

Most teachers have a set of dice in their classroom and may only have used them for some limited activities. These books are packed full of imaginative games that hit all the curriculum objectives as well!

Dice games are brilliant for number patterns, counting, mental maths, number facts, place value, maths vocab and the skills of taking part in a game. The activities in this book are well structured as they can be introduced as whole-class first of all and then out to the smaller group within the class. The games are also fun!

Each game is complete with the learning objectives of the lesson, warm up activities and discussion questions for the children. All the games come with a template to suit that particular lesson which could be copied and laminated for practice and consolidation.

This is an excellent resource for the teacher when they are teaching any of the strands of number, algebra and data in a fun and active way. More of this, please!

These books can be purchased individually for €24.95 at the prim-ed website. They can also be purchased as an e-book for those of you that cannot wait for the post!


Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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