Review: New Wave Pre-Writing Patterns by Prim-Ed Publishing

Review: New Wave Pre-Writing Patterns by Prim-Ed Publishing

 I have a couple of products to review from the well-known scheme of Pre-Writing Patterns.

They are designed to be used to help with pre-writing skills so I am thinking they are most suited to an infant class and/or a support class setting.

The New Wave Pre-Writing Patterns workbooks were written and developed by occupational therapists, this is what I really like about them. They do not move into letter formation, which we teach a bit too early in some Irish classrooms. The workbooks focus on a range of fine-motor activities that develop manipulative skills, a dominant hand and ability to use hands together, which is quite unique for a writing scheme.

The activities focus in on 6 different types of basic patterns from sideways to down, back and under. These activities eventually lead onto a formal writing programme that could be followed in late Senior Infants/early 1st Class.


To accompany these workbooks, we have the Pre-writing patterns Write-on posters. Twelve beautiful double sided and laminated posters(A3). Children and teachers can practice the patterns they are working on in the workbook. An integrated approach is ensured.

The final product which is an essential in every infant teacher’s classroom are the sandpaper letters, available in lower and upper case. A brilliant and simple way for children to practice their letter formation before a formal programme is started or even side by side.

So, I can highly recommend all of these products as essential resources for beginning and developing hand writing in the early years. Prim-Ed have kindly offered readers the chance to win a set of 25 Pre-writing patterns pupil books, Write-On posters and sandpaper letters!

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 Write-on Posters, Sandpaper letters and Pre-writing patterns workbooks are all available from Prim-Ed.


Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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