And the IPPN Cheapest Interactive Whiteboard Solution is…

Good news for’s sponsors, SmartBoard – one of their resellers beat all the competition to become the cheapest fully-featured Interactive Whiteboard Solution.   Liosdoire Computers, based in Co. Kerry, are a very well-known company, which opened in 2002.

Lisdoire Computers – the cheapest IWBs in Ireland

They have been doing the education exhibition circuit since I became aware of Interactive Whiteboards and their salesmanship and service is individual and, as far as I could see, very competitive.

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Promethean software won't be free but…

The New Inspire EditionOk, so it’s not going to be free, but Promethean’s new software, to be released in March can be summed up in one word – sexy.  Daryl, their software guy, allowed me to have a sneak preview at it at IPPN and there are some excellent improvements.  The other great news is that if you own a different IWB, you can download the software restriction-free for €99.  For a piece of software that was up until now worth (in my estimation) about €400-500, this is a bargain.

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