What to expect at the IPPN Expo

Before the Irish Primary Principal’s Conference, I like to browse through the exhibition list and see what catches my eye.  Every year there’s a few exhibits that warrant a visit or look interesting.  This year, it looks like it’s the year of the MIS, the Management Information System.  Thanks to the success of companies such … Read more

Child Protection:Keeping it simple

Last week, The IPPN hosted their annual Principal Briefing day. I always attend as I find these days are invaluable for keeping ahead of any new developments in Departmental policy making. Maria Doyle gave a concise presentation on the new Child Protection Guidelines that came through my letterbox at school last week. I am no … Read more

Digital Art Week on Tour!

When Damien, Fred and I came together to plan out Digital Art Week (#tap2011 on Twitter), I don’t think any of us expected it to have been such a great success!  With great support from loads of teachers around the country, we now have a permanent digital art gallery with 365 original images.  The report … Read more

Why IPPN works

I’m reading a fascinating book at the moment about how the net generation think, (Grown Up Digital by Don Tapscott). Most of you will be able to identify with who the net generation are. They’re the ones who seem to have iPod earplugs in their ears constantly while simultaneously texting, tweeting and browsing the web. … Read more

Anseo Podcast: A Wish for Batt O’Keeffe

The second of our IPPN podcasts was nothing to do with technology, though it was mentioned by some of the principals insterviewed. Rozz asked several principals, if they had one wish for Batt O’Keeffe, what would it be? Take a listen to the podcast and see what you think.

[audio:http://anseo.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/podcast02-a-wish-for-batt-o-keeffe-IPPN-2010.mp3|titles=podcast02-a wish for batt o keeffe IPPN 2010]

Photos from IPPN Conference

As well as recording our interviewees’ voices, Rozz snapped some photographs of them too. For those of you who missed Thursday morning, there’s a couple of photographs of the specially made IPPN cupcakes.

Inspire ourselves.

IPPN heroes by Rozz Lewis. Well, I’m on a downer and a contradictory high after my second IPPN conference, which was moved to the CityWest conference centre this year. My verdict? Excellent. My inspiration levels are at an alltime high. My heroes? 1. Sean Cotrell- An amazing speech maker and public speaker, he speaks from … Read more

Anseo Podcast: The Future of ICT in Education

Anseo.net bought a digital dictaphone and decided to go into the podcasting business. Our roving reporter, Rozz, took to the virtual airwaves for the first time at the Irish Primary Principals Network (IPPN) conference. She recorded a number of podcasts, which we’ll be uploading over the next while. Anseo.net would like to note that the opinions made in the podcast are not of the IPPN’s or (sometimes) Anseo.net. We’d like to thank all the willing interviewees for their time and we hope they enjoy listening to the sound of their own voices as much as we did!

In our first podcast, we ask principals, business people and educationalists what they think the next big thing in ICT in education will be.


Anseo at IPPN

Anseo.net recently bought ourselves a digital dictaphone and our roving reporter Rozz is walking around the IPPN Expo asking teachers, principals, guests and businesses their thoughts on technology in primary education. We should have a nice podcast ready over the coming days so you can find out what the word on the ground really is!