Due to the government’s baffling idea that it would be a good thing to punish schoolchildren in this year’s budget, a protest has been arranged by the INTO at 6:30pm next Wednesday. The protest coincides with a motion that has been proposed by the Labour Party to reverse the cuts made in the budget affecting education.
I will be there. I am incredibly annoyed by the cuts that were made. I was expecting to have to pay more tax, possibly take a pay cut or witness the €252 million for ICT to be officially dropped. I would have accepted any of those. I know Fianna Fáil got us into this mess but there’s probably no point trying to keep things the same. I know sacrifices have to be made but it shouldn’t be children who have to suffer.

Anseo.net #29 Newsletter 📌 I used to make Top Trump Cards from Cereal Boxes
I hope you had a good St. Patrick’s Weekend. I’m delighted to release a second free online course and this time it comes with a