Thanks to Ciaram for sending me the Word documents with the seasons and months. I believe they come from an Australian web site, but I don’t know who they are. I edited them so all they are now as Gaeilge.
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0 thoughts on “Posters of the Seasons”
how do i correct the spelling mistake in an adobe file?
All fixed now!
any chance of getting the english version of these? they’re fantastic 🙂
Is that the correct spelling of Eánair??? I thought the fada was on the second a??? As in Eanáir????
AAAAAARGH!!! Sorry! Don’t know what happened there. I know where the fada should be and I still made a balls of it! Sorry! Will fix it now.
These posters come from a website – which is the work of an Australian teacher. I feel it is unfair to steal her work without giving credit for it.
Hi Margaret. I think it’s a bit harsh to say that this was “stealing”. I’ll let the author know of the web site where she got the original Word document. Thanks for sourcing the original link to the document
Hi is there any way of editing these to english?