Podcast Show Notes: 1st – 14th May 2024

As Meja sang (I had to google her!), this episode is all about the money and it’s all about the dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb decisions recently made by the Department of Education. I look at the School Book Grant, the Ancillary Grant, and look forward to the summer programme, all of which have had their funds cut.

I also lament the topics I would have liked to have covered including:

A post-mortem on my discussion on choice vs no choice when it comes to primary schools.

I would have liked to have talked about AI in education a bit more after a wonderful ICTEdu conference in Thurles.

Because a school in South Dublin decided to no longer be single sex, it was a national headline and it’s always an opportunity to talk about single sex education.


Unfortunately, none of that made the cut thanks to:

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