Supermarket Maths: Steak

…we have a second question underneath based on time. You have five different ways of cooking steaks below. How many combinations of steaks could you cook in an hour?  …

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Teddy Bears’ Picnic Playlist

Are you having a Teddy Bears’ Picnic in your school? Here’s a little playlist for the background. It mainly contains children’s songs and a couple of pop songs….

Two Line Tuesday

…and it turns out nobody had to pay the fee each year. Their response when asked to refund teachers for this misdemeanor is consistent with their general attitude towards teachers….

Is it ethical to publish League Tables?

…numbers. Students’ test results do not correlate with quality of teachers. For example, two students could view a C1 in honours English as an underachievement or an overachievement depending on…

Know Your Ireland

Edware have been around for as long as I’ve been in teaching, when the author was still a student in college and the first “Know Your Ireland” was out and…

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