On Cosán: INTO Presidential Interview

Gregor Kerr

As a member of the Teaching Council I will be watching this one very closely. Teachers are continuously upskilling, they do not need to be forced into completing CPD. Teachers themselves know what CPD they need and when they need it. Current provisions work well.

The INTO must oppose any attempt to make re-registration with the Teaching Council dependent on completing CPD. And teachers must not have to pay for CPD – either financially or in terms of a lengthening of our working time or a threat to our EPV days.

I envisage many battles ahead on this front. Unfortunately, it is another issue that the CEC have been far too accommodating on. Hopefully a re-energised and involved membership will ensure that we win the multiplayer battles

John Boyle

INTO has traditionally supported the continuum of teacher education and has argued for a comprehensive programme of professional development/inservice education for teachers over the years. Our current position on CPD is:

  • A national framework for CPD be established
  • All current support initiatives become part of that framework
  • Support persons be appointed to support schools with development planning and CPD
  • Provision be made for teacher sabbaticals and study leave
  • Teachers be facilitated to network and engage in collaborative learning activities including research projects through the provision of time and space.

The INTO is totally opposed to any effort being made by the Teaching Council to introduce a mandatory element of CPD for the purposes of registration. For my part if I’m elected INTO President, I will fight to ensure that teachers are incentivised to continue their professional development rather than being forced to do it in a way that suits neither them nor the education system.

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