Kilkenny IWB Course

As some of you might be aware, for the last few years I have been given summer courses on Interactive Whiteboards. Each year, I invite every company who sell IWBs to supply me with their demo boards and let me use them with the participants on the course.

At the end of the course, I write up a summary of how the course went and any interesting things that the participants and I learned from the week.  In the last couple of years, we conducted a survey asking teachers to rate their favourite IWB and this was published on this web site.  The number of IWBs on the course grew from 5 in the first year to 9 last year.  This year there are 15 IWBs on the course and, to be honest, they all merge into each other.  The hardware seems to have become totally unimportant to teachers.

This year was the first time that almost all teachers on the course already owned an Interactive Whiteboard too.  Therefore the focus on the course was how to use an IWB pedagogically and we’ve been focussing on different subjects each day.

I’ll be giving a full outline of the course, including course notes, shared flipcharts and lots of great web sites to use on IWBs.  So far, I have learned loads so we may break the article down into shorter bits.  You can expect the first article some time next week.

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