I was invited to speak at the Irish Computer Society’s annual conference in April. I was introduced as someone who would give an insight and examples into the virtual staff notice board and how I have made life a little easier for teachers using free web applications. I hope I managed to do that. My talk was based on my article, “Heads in the Cloud”, and I spoke about how my school utilises Google Apps for our complete communication system. For those of you who want to listen to the talk, below is a podcast. It does rely a little bit on a couple of images in places, but you should get a good picture of what I do, without seeing the slides.

Anseo.net #27 Newsletter 📌 A Free AI Course For You
Hi, {{ contact.FIRSTNAME }} 👋🏾 I’m really excited about my first ever online course. I’ve always toyed with the idea but never found the time or motivation.