Final Thoughts from INTO Presidential Candidates

Gregor Kerr

Members have a choice. They can vote for more of the same, for the status quo. Or they can vote for Change and Empowerment.   I am not promising that a Vote for me will change things overnight but I am inviting union members to vote for me and to work with me to bring about the type of change we want, to ensure that the idea that We Are The Union can become a reality.

If elected I will be a new voice, unafraid to challenge the status quo and eager to encourage members to become engaged and organised on pay and on all the other issues that affect us on a daily basis.

Thanks for the opportunity to answer these questions. If anyone would like more information, they can look at my facebook page Gregor Kerr For INTO President or they can contact me at [email protected] or on 0861501151

John Boyle

My supporters have told me that they will vote for me for the following reasons:

  • Calm voice of reason with a common sense approach and can-do attitude
  • Experience as a negotiator
  • Sterling service to INTO
  • Ability to advocate for techers in the media ‘as Gaeilge agus as Béarla’
  • Passion, persistence and sense of justice
  • Humility, integrity and generosity
  • Honesty and decency
  • courageous, confident, committed caring and consistent
  • Optimistic and positive disposition
  • Delivery for individual members and for members North and South throughout my time on CEC
  • Interest in improving teachers conditions and the education system
  • Commitment to teachers in disadvantaged schools and in special education
  • Support of small schools and Gaeltacht schools
  • “Ni dhearna sé dearmad riamh ar an áit a rugadh agus a tógadh é, nó ar na daoine a chuidigh leis i rith a shaol”
  • dedication, decisiveness, determination, dependability
  • He always puts teachers first and has a never-say die attitude
  • “ John will get us our money back, he will deliver our pay equality and our benchmarking award and he will make sure that we have pay certainty for the next three years”.

At the end of this month when nearly 44,000 INTO members vote to choose their President, I will be asking them to vote for me because I will put teachers first as President. I will work day and night to repay the faith and trust they place in me. I guarantee that after I serve for a year as President, all of our members will see lots more progress. They will have more money in their pockets, will have a lighter work-load and will have higher morale.

I believe that the INTO will go from strength to strength in the next year. As President I will give every ounce of my being to steadily steer our highly respected union towards its 150th anniversary in 2018 and by doing so I believe that the vast majority of our members will be united within and behind the organisation for many years to come.

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