Days of the Week as Gaeilge

Days of the Week as Gaeilge

To save you the bother of printing up flashcards of the days of the week in Irish, has done it for you. Feel free to print these colourful flashcards and pop them on your wall or even on a pre-made calendar. Also available in English.
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0 thoughts on “Days of the Week as Gaeilge”

  1. Im looking for the days of Holy Wek as Gaeilge please if anyone can oblige. In english they are as follows: Black Monday, Solemn Tuesday,Spy Wednesday,Holy Thursday,Good Friday,Easter Sat & Easter Sunday Ta

    • Seachtain na Páise or An tSeachtain Mhór: Domhnach na Pailme; Luan Naofa; An Mháirt Naofa; Céadaoin an Bhraith; Déardaoin Mandála or Déardaoin Choirp Chríost or Déardaoin Mhór, Aoine an Chéasta; Satharn Cásca; Domhnach Cásca.

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