@nseo @ the CESI Conference

CESI, the Computers in Education Society of Ireland, are having their annual conference in Dublin on February 8th and 9th.  @nseo.net will be giving a workshop on Blogging in a primary school setting.  If you’ve registered on the web site and haven’t managed to blog yet, the CESI conference is a great way to begin!  … Read more

Merry Christmas

@nseo.net would like to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas.  We look forward to seeing you writing blogs on our web site in the New Year.  Remember, once you are registered, you can blog about anything!!! Why not advertise your school concert?  Why not tell everyone about your latest class project?  Why not tell us … Read more

What Gaeilge Software is available?

Our online poll reached 25 votes today.  There is a clear indication so far that there is not enough software for Gaeilge in Irish Primary Schools.  The first piece of Gaeilge language software will be available shortly.

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