Fruit Flashcards

Fruity Flashcards This set of flashcards contain brightly coloured pictures of nine common fruits.  Each flashcard is labelled in Gaeilge and these can be used to introduce or reinforce vocabulary. Free Download

Dolch Flashcards – set 2

Dolch List Flashcards Set 2 These flashcards contain another 10 Dolch words: was, said, that, his, she, for, on, they, but & had. The pack also contains two picture cards, an apple and an orange, so children can make sentences. This pack can be used in conjunction with other Dolch List Flashcards Free Download

Dolch Flashcards – set 1

First 10 Dolch List Flashcards These flashcards contain the first 10 Dolch words: the, to, he, and, a, I, you, it, of & in. The pack also contains two picture cards, a dog and a cat, so children can make sentences. An example is “the cat is in” This would be suitable to use in … Read more

EduBlogs is offering free blogs at your own domain

Now there’s no excuse not to run your own school blog! is a web site that offers all educational institutions, teachers and pupils to run their very own web blog. Before today, if you used this service, you could choose an address: However, now you can pick a nice domain name for $25, for example and they set everything else up for you.

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No review as yet

Unfortunately, this board has not been reviewed as yet.  However, aims to review every board so check back soon.

SESE Interactive Free Trial Download has teamed up with Learning Horizons to offer you a free 21-day trial of SESE Interactive.  All you have to do is fill out the form below and you’ll be whisked away to a Download page. You can read a review of SESE Interactive by clicking on this link. [si-contact-form form=’1′] For more information … Read more

Interactive Whiteboards going cheap…

Interactive Whiteboards have become a hot topic of conversation in Irish primary schools. They have brought ICT back into the heads of teachers. Everybody wants one. So what’s stopping them? I have been using Interactive Whiteboards since 2002 and have been training teachers on their usage so would feel that I know a thing or … Read more

Recycled Sculptures

Two pupils from 4th/ 5th class recycled some junk material to make some super sculptures!Ben created a interesting sculpture using old CD cases, pencils, bottle tops and re-used cardboard. Joey used an old music box, a large paper clamp, some used batteries and his imagination to make his fighter plane. Have a look!