After Josepha, Physical Aggression Rising, Estonia is the new Finland.

In this episode, I reflect on the implications of Josepha Madigan’s departure as the Minister for Special Education and whether the position will ever exist again. I also ponder on the INTO’s survey on physical aggression. Finally, we move to Estonia and explore why they are now kings and queens of Europe and why Ireland won’t be the best education system in Europe by 2026.

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Hello? Hello. You're very welcome to if I were the minister for education from anseo dot net. A regular podcast, where I look at the world of primary education and I let you know what I would do. If I were the minister for education. This is Simon Lewis. Speaking on this week's show, I will be looking at life after Josefa Madigan. The rate of physical aggression is rising in our classrooms and why. Estonia is the new Finland and lot stops more. Besides if you're interested in subscribing to our newsletter or tuning into our radio podcasts, you can do so by locking onto slash subscribe, or you can go into your favorite podcasting platform and subscribe there. This. Podcast is also on YouTube these days. So you can go into YouTube channel and you're going to hit subscribe as well, and it will be there and ready and waiting for you every couple of weeks

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The newsletter is available to you and your inbox every two weeks. If you subscribe. And as well as the latest podcast episode, I lost a beat tanning you other stories that I've been thinking about over the last couple of weeks, and bite-size bits, I'll also be showing you some exceptional posts I found on Twitter or X as it's now known.

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And every two weeks, I'll be providing you with a mini CPD project which generally focused on technology and education. And this week I've made a video about using AI and the wisdom of the crowd to develop a chapter of a textbook. You can have a look at that by subscribing to the newsletter, as I said, on, and I have a lovely template for you to create a chapter of a textbook. I in the video here, I give an example. I go back to my birthplace of Rathmines and Dublin. And I create a chapter of a textbook on the history, the geography, the logo on them of Rathmines, or And and I'll show you how to do that. So let's get straight into our episode where we look at the big story. Over the last two weeks, which was the resignation of Josefa Madigan. From the political world, she will not be contacting the next election, but step down as the minister for special education, possibly we are not going to see a minister for special education again. I thought it might be a good idea to maybe look back at the last few years of Boucher C for Madigan's. Legacy how she did what she did and what she may have been able to do better. And if we are to get a minister for special education in the future, what they might do if they are the minister and I did this on my blog, which you can read on Simon M And what I have my post is obviously, if you're looking at YouTube, you can see my picture here. Have a look alike of Josefa. Madigan cutting a red ribbon in a school. And I felt that we were talking about Josefa Madigan in the future or her successor. If there is one, we should be cutting red tape, not ribbons. And. I wanted to talk to you a little bit about my thoughts on just see for Madigan's. And I suppose in the wider context, the way politics has been going. In education over the last couple of years. And, it was cleaned of historic when just Eva Madigan was given a position, a new position of the minister for special education, a junior ministry, but a ministry dedicated to special education, right in the middle of COVID 19, actually in 2020. And after a decade, I said, after a decade of cuts and serve it to services and supports to special education. And the portfolio did come with a very big budget. And you will know that budget because every time you mentioned special education in a PQ and a question in the door, they will tell you how much they've invested in special education. It's 2 billion a year, by the way, just in case you don't know both. I argue in my article. Rather than spending that money wisely, she kowtowed to populous pressure and left the portfolio a bureaucratic mess. I want to chart how she did and you'll see from, if you're a reader you can read alarm. If you're watching the video hear or listen along, if you're on the normal podcast where I said, I felt when she took on the post, it was the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic. And it was really, any minister, his first obstacle was to navigate that time. And. In fairness, she really struggled. I feel at find your feet app. Particularly in terms of her language, where she would say she misspoke on a number of occasion, probably her most famous examples where, when she referred to children without special needs, Normal children. And she also talked about the lack of special school places. I'd been like the mother and baby homes, trying to compare that, which caused a little bit of consternation though. I would be more forgiving of her latter misspeak than her former one. Anyway. She tried her best. I suppose to assert herself with that administer Norma Foley, add to guest services for children with additional needs during a COVID and the The big thing. I suppose the big pressure from the advocacy groups was to get the children back into school. Even though there was a pandemic at the time and people were very scared that they would contract this disease. To which there was no vaccine at the time. There were people dying. At the time, but many parents were basically saying the teacher has been very selfish by not allowing their children come back to school. Even though they themselves wouldn't go face to face with people in their own jobs and even funnier at me. I know it was never a funny time. Really? None of the advocacy groups were doing anything face-to-face either. However, they thought sure teachers should be working face-to-face with children for the greater good, despite the fact that they weren't.

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Unfortunately, Madigan decided that she were to take the side of children with additional needs by creating divisions between the advocacy groups, parents. And schools and relationships remain fractious. Even today I'm most recently in the conflict over special education teaching allocations. And that fractiousness is bizarre. It's weird. We've got schools as school principals, AB op against their own representative groups. You've got parents. Up against the department of education. Barron's fighting with schools this time and you've got the advocacy groups as well in the middle as well. It's all a bit bizarre. And anyway rather than restoring an education system. During that recession they decided Josefa Madigan. And minister on remotely rather than actually. Bringing back the resources that were there because some of you might remember the first thing that happened during the recession was a 15% cut to serve a, to a resource hours as they were known. Then. Two children with additional needs and schools. Which has been continued now that they've removed at the supports for children with complex needs. Rather than all that kind of stuff, because they're not the things that matter really to children and additional these, they don't need learning support. They don't need any of that kind of stuff. No. What they need is free hot lunches, free school books, free summer programs and free school buses. Yes. And Madigan who described herself as being relentless, what they wanted and what they needed was to open as many special classes for autism. Add all. At all costs. Without actually thinking whether those classes were the right solution. And I want to talk about ponder on this a little bit. There's some things that aren't argued about. I mentioned a lot of these free things that have happened, like free hot lunches and free school books. No one argues that these are, bad things. These are great things for education. Yes. When you think about them, free hot lunches. Obviously I will absolutely defend that. I think that's fair enough. Ah, that creates equity in a system. So children from disadvantaged backgrounds on children, if not from disadvantaged backgrounds, we'll all benefit. And we've seen studies across the world about the benefits of fire, hot lunches in schools. Free school books is great for parents and affordability, but not very good pedagogically. The free summer program has been, is fine. But again, not being evaluated in any way, shape or form and the free school buses is just a complete mess. But I could, I have a whole, I could do a whole episode. In fact, I have done a full episode on school buses. Why they are a mess as they are, but opening special cut as many of these special classes for autism as possible without thinking about, are they the actually the right answer? And you could talk to different people. You could talk to inclusion Ireland who may. Who might have opinions on that? You could talk to people who who studied these kinds of things. In fact, I had a look and Joanne banks. I'm Michael Shevlin of Trinity college and noticed. I noted in our 2022 survey, after all these class are open, is there's been this rapid expansion of these special cost models, but only limited investigation of their efficacy. And they've said basically that a lot of this was essentially influenced by parents. Looking for them. Without actually thinking whether they're the right solution. Yes. On the surface, they sound like great ideas, small classes, a teacher to SNS six children, what could possibly go wrong? But what possibly goes wrong is the fact that what happens in these classes. What about the local therapy supports? There's none of that. What about the training for the T? What about actual trained teachers in special education? What about appropriate accommodation? In fact, because a lot of these things are built in and small prefabs that are isolated from the rest of the school community. They're there, if they're lucky, even though they're in prefab. So a lot of them are in these sort of I don't know Repurposed cupboards. Probably for want of a better word. And as well as our special classes, as they were set out to be as integration for integration into mainstream, they no longer serve the aims now that they were set out when their scheme was first introduced. And it's a real pity because I think if they were done well, they could actually work very well. And I think some will argue opening special cuts or autism is necessary. And many might argue that they work well simply I think simply putting six children in a classroom with a teacher and two special ed needs assistance is a model that only works. Thanks to Goodwill and guesswork. I think our entire special education needs model is founded. On Goodwill and guesswork. It works when it works. But when a child needs more specialized interventions, not just a small class and a couple of extra people or light therapy room. When it goes beyond that, it can disintegrate very quickly. And we are seeing over the last couple of years, a lot of cases been taken by parents against school boards and management. For things that I would argue are not the fault of the school, but the fault of the system that is completely relying on Goodwill and guesswork. We don't have any specialized training course for teachers to work in special education. You can do a couple of day course that you can do these one day courses on very basic. Does the same course it's been going for the last 20 years but there is no specialized qualification for a teacher. To work in a special class, we don't have at the specialist therapies, the wraparound therapies that are needed. It's just, it's not good enough. And it needs to be good enough because opening these classes. Yes, it makes headlines, but does it make a difference? I think Madigan would have done better to focus on much quieter solutions. So cut out this cutting of ribbons, opening the ad, these headline, grabbing things about opening this opening, that it's all very sexy and lovely, but we need quiet solutions. We have children that are sitting on waiting lists for interventions, like speech and language therapy for years and years. And we are not training enough people to become speech, language therapists. We need to occupational therapists. We need loads of other therapies and they're not existing. We need therapies. For a mental health, emotional behavioral psychology, psychological interventions. We need all this and we need more learning support as it was known literacy and numeracy support. And instead schools are getting cut and they might say, oh, we've plowed in more money than ever, but there are more and more, there are far more children than digital use. And there were several years ago and we are not putting in the amount of resources that are needed. We are not following the children. We're allocating schools, resources with junk data and it's, do you know what the whole system. Is founded on Goodwill and guesswork. And sand. And I mean that by a bad foundation, rather than. Actual sand. It's going to sink and it's going to sink really badly at some point. And what's going to happen is we're going to put layers and layers more bureaucracy as we were doing that already. And it just isn't working. Anyway, Madigan's ministry is now going to be absorbed once again, just the main education portfolio and it's possible. We may never see a special education minister again in future cabinets. However, if we do, we need to learn from the mistakes that have been made. For example, the front-loading model that we introduced in 2017 for special education teachers and special needs assistance has been an absolute failure. And we need to move back to systems where children's needs. Were linked to the resources that were going to the school. So it child's needs can be followed from birth all the way through their schooling and schools should never, ever be asked to prioritize their support to the highest levels of needs. Every child, no matter what their needs should get their support, we shouldn't be asked to choose for children who should get support and children who need support not to get support. We also need to stop the spiraling bureaucracy that is happening, for example, in 2003. And this is, I always give this example because I think it's a really good example for what happened in 2003, the national council for special education, the NCAC had 15 office staff and 72 people working directly with schools. The CNAs. Within by within 15, 16 years, there were then from 15 office staff. There are now 150 office staff and only 66 people working directly with schools. So fewer people working in schools. And those more people working in the offices, we need to cut that red tape. However, most importantly, we need our plan. We need a good plan. And the first step is to bring it's bring back the parents, the advocacy groups and the schools. We need to bring them back to gather talking again. A lot of damage was caused by Josefa Madigan with her divisive tactics in trying to pick parents against each other. And it works so well. If you only have to go on Twitter, At the moment and put something up about special education. You have these. You've got some lovely advocacy groups, but you had some horrible I've at people claiming to be advocacy groups there. They, in fairness, A lot of them are behind these anonymous accounts. You don't know who they are really, but some of them you do is that you do see, and they can be vicious against schools really unfairly. And and I think it's not right. And what we need to do really, rather than giving out to each other and getting defensive or anything like that, because I suppose I'm already getting defensive. And what I'm saying there is, we need to bring parents, advocacy groups and schools back together talking about what do we need and having an absolute clear path of what actually best for our children. Because that's essentially. At the, all that we, all of us want when we actually do want it. And that's the annoying thing about this as the minister. And on successive governments before, before have been cutting and cutting, and the amount of supports for children with additional needs. Parents are getting very frustrated by the fact that they're not getting any of the therapies from the HSE. They're not getting any of the supports from the various ad agencies and bit pretty much sometimes the only support that a family will have for our child with additional needs is the school. I'm in the school can't fulfill. All the needs for that child who is there to blame only the school and, it just, it becomes a mess and it isn't right. And it's not fair on a school schools. And in fairness to schools, the fact is that we were actually doing as much as we possibly can through Goodwill and guesswork. Loads of us are going for training to try and do as much as we can. Many are doing things that we shouldn't be doing. We are, we're taking on recommendations of occupational therapists and speech terrorist, speech, and language therapists, even though we're not qualified whatsoever to do a lot of the stuff that's being asked of where, some, a lot of teachers in the past and will have S and A's in the past are learning. Different skills such as that, I had to do a law, which is a sign language. They're learning about educational technology. Which got assistive technology, couldn't help a child's communication, different ways of teaching the children to do that and teaching themselves such. And helping families. I don't, unfortunately, it's very unforgiving. It's really young for giving. There is a huge division that's being created and I believe has been created by. The minister for education. A hundred to see for Madigan. Where there's absolute Kind of an atmosphere of blame. An anger against the very people who are doing their very best, a lot of the time, and yes, they do make mistakes. And sometimes there are bad eggs in there, but overall, I don't think it's, again, I hate using percentages, but I think, it wouldn't be, it wouldn't be unfair to say 99% of education staff. Are doing everything they can to make school as positive a place as possible for every child, whether they have additional needs or not. And it's really difficult. It's really difficult when wraparound supports aren't there. And if there is to be a minister for special education in the future. The only thing they should be doing now is ensuring that the wraparound supports are there and available for children with additional needs. And that we have. Teachers that are fully qualified in working with children with additional needs. And we need to examine whether special classes are actually the answer. Why are we opening all these special classes? And if we are and what I'm find out, what is their purpose? We have just so people know. And again, this is just a point of interest. The special classes that are out there. An over 99% of these special classes are for autistic children. They're for no other additional need ratings. You've got well over a thousand. Autism classes, but you've got, I think, less than 10 behavioral, emotional emotional needs. Casas. You've got in terms of reading classes, I think there's less than 20. So we're doing. Huge damage. With these. By, by not giving children what they need and the next minister for a special education needs to do that. As I say, stop trying to look for headlines, start looking for solutions. That's what I would be doing. If I were the minister for education. Let's move on at, to the next story. And it looks the next story that came up in my news. Was basically. Results of a survey from the INTO, which highlights that half our primary school teachers are the target of physical aggression in classrooms at a survey found this year. Now, if the I N T O were nice people and they looked back at surveys done by the national principal's forum, who did exactly the same survey in 2019, where they found that the same number of primary school teachers were the target of physical aggression in classrooms. They wouldn't have had to do this survey. At all, if they stopped ignoring the brilliant research that is done by the national principal's forum. And if you would like to learn more about the national principal's forum, some would argue the only advocacy group or the only lobby group, doing anything at the moment to help school leaders in their role highlighting brilliant research. If I may say so myself, I do help them, on a part of the national principal form, it sounds like I'm. I'm blowing my own trumpet here, but I am really proud of the work that we do. I'm really proud of the fact that when it came down to it, when it came to the sat allocations, just going back to special education at the moment, we are the only lobby group that spoke out about the sat allocations and how a complex needs children with complex needs were being an absolutely cast aside. And we're still in there.

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And loved the fact dash and the department of education were so rattled by the fact that over 700 principals signed a petition about this allocations. They went to the trouble of going through each of those 700 names to try and disprove that so many principals had Had I actually felt that way and they ch oh, it was just ridiculous. And even, and also on top of that, they got their friends, they got the IPN to write some press release to say, oh, all this research is nonsense. They really got rattled by it. It it was embarrassing. It was really embarrassing to see both the department of education and the IPPA going to such a low. To try and tell principals that they were wrong around at the sat allocations, and that's still going to go on and that's not going away. And I'm hoping. Because I suppose when this is going out to the INTP Congress will be happening on, I imagine special education will come up in some way, and I hope someone will mention the complex needs thing, but what I am most proud of the national pins for the wound survey I'm most proud of is actually one called the inclusion illusion. And when I say inclusion, I only mean special education. In this case, I find the word inclusion very annoying, but for this purposes, we called it the inclusion illusion, because it's a good title. And it basically was the results of over a thousand primary school principals. Telling us exactly how special education was working in their schools. I'm one of the find there is loads of findings in it, and I read a really good our findings with the one that actually made the headlines and actually was in the front page of the Irish examiner back in 2019. Was the fact that I think it was roughly about the same over 60% of primary school. Principals said dash. Physical aggression. Ah, happened within this go quite regularly. So anyway. A few years later, the ITO have found exactly the same, which is on surprising when they could have actually been something about it. I'm not sure if they're actually going to do anything about it this time anyway, but at the report read, he says that the in fairness, The only two, I actually agree with them in this case, I'm often critical of the union but the thing is I do absolutely agree with their findings and the lack of adequate therapeutic and mental health supports for pupils and the lack of additional training for teachers. Are the big causes of this problem, where there is physical aggression at, in the school. Now what the union might be doing. Which is something they should be doing is protecting their members from physical aggression, whatever way it comes and to put pressure. On the government to ensure that those wraparound services and saying our teachers are not going to put up with being physically attacked, physically being. Hers in their workplace. And you need to do you need to put in place these things as, so that this doesn't happen because it's not, and it's not basically, the balance here is trying not to blame the children because it isn't the children's fault. no school in the country at these days anyway. Very few schools these days have not experienced a child who has experienced or who is exhibiting physical aggression. And every single time it is born to absolute frustration and distress. It's not because one day a child dies, I'm going to be built and I'm going to hit my teacher. That doesn't happen. It's through distress. There is still that line there where a child is not going to be hurting or have. Acting out physically again, strategic, unless they're in a state of distress and the government need to do something about it, because if they don't, we're going to find this. That's the profession that we are. That we respect or supposedly respect so much. But we're finding teachers are leaving the system because it is too dangerous to be there. It's too hard and it's too difficult and it's becoming unsafe and there are easier and better. And well-paid jobs out there. That don't have the same sort of a thing going on. And when I'm talking about physical aggression, it's just one thing, but also the way that the role has become very disrespected. A lot of the time not only in the media, but I'm also in through, at the structures of the system. It's not catching up. As I said, teaching used to be this really attractive profession because of the holidays, but now most companies are catching up with making their places attractive. It's nice to go into a lot of workplaces now. And some of the. Benefits of other workplaces kind of way. The nice holidays that teachers seem to be beaten over the head with a, when they got it such as working from home and things like that. But anyway, let's move on to Estonia, which has now become the new. Country, or this is an article from the guardian, by the way. This has popped up on my screen and. You should see this, you should support newspapers and media. If that, if they're doing good stories, I have supported the guardian and I do. AB offer them. A little bit, a bit, every time I see an article that I featured in this podcast, but Estonia. Has now the best schools in Europe they've taken over from Finland. And it said they, their headlines here, free lunches, brain breaks and happy teachers. I mentioned free lunches earlier on. How I support that. As a mechanism, but the thing about Astonia versus Ireland, the way we do free lunches is so complex. I just don't understand if we do it. Every school has to organize their own free lunches rather than different local areas that are a local education, a target providing schools with the free lunches and delivering them and done and paying people to do that. No, we have to do everything through a grant and the grant January doesn't cover it and we have all this waste, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. In Estonia. They probably do a batter. I'm sure they do a bachelor. In fact, I know they do a better idea of brain breaks. This is this is something that's not new to most teachers in Ireland, but we don't have the supports for those brain breaks. As they call them, we call them movement breaks a lot of the time. And they're obviously in built the Estonian education system and a happy teachers. And that's interesting about happy teachers, what they do is they treat their teachers. And they have all those wraparound supports that we don't have. They also do a lot of the stuff that Finland is famous for, particularly using their space so much better. I really recommend you read this article because I think what I saw when I went to Finland, And I think Estonia is no different. I'm hoping to go to Astonia one day, it's how they use their space and how to have these wraparound services. The teachers can focus on teaching small class sizes. Yes. Is part of it. But isn't the biggest part of it. It's that use of space outside? How do they use the outdoor spaces? This vast place? All these schools are built on really large complexes. Where the children are outside for a lot of the day, they're able to move around for other day, children walk to school, they walk home from school because their school is within walking distance from their house. And they aren't under the whole kind of obligation of having to choose a different school because they don't, aren't at the same religion of whatever. Anyway, all the same reasons. I really recommend you read the article. I just think there's a lovely picture of a school. They build schools so well. This is just a. To some of the outdoor look at your I'm just scrolling. Nancy. You can see some of the pictures. That's the laundry music. They have a lunch room. For example, we, again throw these ads wrenches into the discuss your 10 minutes. Eat your lunch. There's all these kinds of things that make such a big difference. Look at that. That's one of the skills is not beautiful. And we have our repeat generic design when we come to buildings. Just to creativity. This didn't start today or yesterday, of course, Estonia decided that they would prioritize education in 1997 and 20 early. I'd actually 25 years later, they have the best education system in Europe. Richard Bruton back in 2018 said by 20, 26. Arland we'll have the best education system in Europe. Fat chance of that happening. If we do not put in the money, the resources, the time, the structures and everything else, we've done nothing to make Ireland the best education system. In 2026, we punch way above our weight. And I just have a feeling, our look is going to run out rather than the other way round. The biggest strength that we have in Ireland is that we speak the English language. I would argue as our first language is our main language. I'm not saying that as a to, to discount Irish as a language, I'm just saying it's such a good thing that we have. We can go anywhere in the world. With that language and be able to communicate, but we are working in conditions that somehow I don't know how we managed to do so well, but anyhow that is Astonia. I wanted to move on to a different article, which had came up from the Irish times, which I subscribed to. And the students are stressed, teachers have little choice and creativity servers, why the Irish costume needs to change right now, this is an article that has been heavily criticized by teachers. It's by Carlo Brian from the Irish times where he asked everyone on anyone, the great and the good about what the Irish classroom needs to do to change right now. And he asked lots of not the people, but for gosh to actually ask anyone working in a school instead he talked to various people and I think it's well worth going through them very quickly. It's well worth reading this article. Although it is subscriber only, so I won't go, ah, You'll have to probably pay for the benefit of seeing us. And Luke O'Neill who has nothing to do a primary skills things, personalized tutoring is the way, but he which is okay. Yeah. I dunno, scrap the CAO point system. So Katrina Sullivan. I agree with her, although that second level, so I steer away from. Second level really there include creativity and an utterly central way says Joe O'Connor, who is our writer fully enough. I agree with them again. Pursue passion projects, Bobby Healey, who is a, what is he? I actually, he's an entrepreneur. I do you know what. I also agree with them. And what do we have connect to nature? Darren McAnulty who talks about data naturalist? And a writer. I actually agree with them. And we move on an all Ireland education system. This is from the I N T O. John Boyle, who you could argue is the only teacher within this. He is a big into creating an all Ireland education system, which is really interesting. And I don't disagree with it. But it's going to be, if we are to do that. If we are to do that, what, and the biggest barrier to that actually will be religion. Which is interesting because open. As bad as things are down south. We have our religiously controlled education system, but most people in it don't take it very seriously. Whereas gov. Goat north, if you're in a Catholic school, you're in a Catholic school and if you're in a Protestant school, you're in a Protestant school. And if you're in an integrated school, which seems to be similar enough to educate together, except for the fact that they are still Cristo norms of in a big way. I think on all lines, education system, the biggest barrier to that is a religious question. We've got Adam Harris is always talking about autism and neuro-typical making classrooms and E equal and embracive of all neuro types, Andre. Again, I don't disagree with that. I agree with that so far, I've not disagreed to anything again EMA from educate together. Again, we need more schools are run by organizations as in our churches. I would argue that no schools should be run by churches, but again, I agree generally with her point and prepare for an AI driven world. Absolutely agree with that. Catherine Byrne, who is also not a teacher, she's more of a complainer. So As much as no teacher was looked at for this article and no teacher was asking for input into it. There's nothing in, not a, there's really nothing in there that you disagree with too much. You do just wish they might have asked teachers about it. And the trouble is all of these issues are absolutely necessary, but it's interesting. I asked on Twitter. Or on ax teachers? Act because teachers are giving out okay. Tell me then. Okay. What do teachers want? And it's interesting the responses that most teachers gave and there's some really good responses. But the ones that kind of jumped out at me. We're, weren't very sexy. And that's not a criticism, but it's like smaller class sizes, more support for children with additional needs, these kinds of things, the things. The Carlo Brian would probably go, oh God, I can't really get an article out of that. So very sexy. Ah, I need some AI in here. I need some, Adam Harris. There's a lot of criticism though that came from the Sasha. And I thought I'd let you know that I didn't mention was it was the first sentence here of the para of here, which I actually agree with Ireland has in many respects in 19th century school system with 20th century technology, which for all its achievement needs to be overhauled to meet the needs of 21st century. I think he's right. A lot of people are very disgruntled by data and particularly teachers who were very innovative and are meeting some of those needs, but they're not. I think what, Carla, Brian. Whether he means it or doesn't, but I interpret from what she's saying is that the system. The system is not a 21st century system. There's a lots of teachers trying to shoe horn. 21st century methodologies into their jobs. But the trouble is we are working in these little box rooms. We don't use our space. Very, we don't have the space schools. Aren't built very well. The rooms aren't very good. There's not there's strict of movements. I honestly think, and this is going back to Estonia. It's how we use space. If we could use space better. If we had the structures, we have the systems to be able to use that space better. If we didn't have all these unnecessary knotty complications within our system to restrict us. We would have a really good system, a good 21st century. System. However, as I say, I can understand how it's irked at teachers who do try to shoe horn 21st century methodologies into these systems. And they are doing very well despite the structure, but it is the structures. I think that need to change. And I guess that's what I would do if I were the minister for education. Just a reminder, before we finish up, don't forget if you've enjoyed this. Please subscribe to the newsletter, which you can find on Slash subscribe. And you will find every two weeks, write it to your inbox. You'll be reminded of relations, podcast, episode, some other news stories. Add that. Meeting having capturing my imagination on some of those. Or up there? I don't know. I don't really discuss them on the podcast because I just don't have space to be here all day. But I'll be talking about a lot of those. In bite sizes. I also scour my Twitter, my ax to find some really good tweets and add a little threads that have come out that have been very interesting. And as I said, I have a little bit of CPD for anyone wants it. This is a 16 minute video on how to use AI to create a unit of work, to make a chapter of a school textbook. And if you subscribe, I'll be sending you out a template. With loads of prompts to create that chapter of a textbook. I know, I hope you enjoyed this episode of if I were the minister for education, I'll be back in a couple of weeks time with some more news. I, no doubt about the Congress, which would have been and gone and whatever else comes from that. And I thanks so much for listening or watching. And if, as I said, please feel free to subscribe or review this podcast on what your favorite platform. And until next time, see it add all the best bye-bye.

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