I’ve lost my driver to my Interactive Whiteboard

Back in the mid-noughties, there were nearly 30 brands of Interactive Whiteboard on the market. Within a few years, most of the companies that sold these boards either went out of business or simply stopped selling these boards. When schools bought these boards, the companies usually came into the school and set them up. This including installing the board’s drivers on to whatever laptop was being used. Laptops generally die after a few years so it’s necessary to replace the drivers on new laptops. In some cases, this is easy but for the more obscure brands of IWBs, it can be difficult to find, especially if the company ceased trading.

Thankfully, there’s a web site made by an Irish teacher who cleverly decided to save a number of brands of IWB’s drivers on to a blog. You can find them here. https://digiclassroom.wordpress.com/iwb/

Currently, the site has drivers for the following boards:

  • Smartboard
  • Classboard
  • TRACEboard (Single touch Version)
  • TRACEboard (DualTouch Version)
  • I-Interactor (also known as I-Cam)
  • WiiMote
  • Smoothboard (and Smoothboard Air)
  • Smoothboard 2
  • E-Beam
  • Mimio
  • Specktron
  • StarBoard
  • China Interact
  • Promethean
  • TeamBoard
  • RM Board

Last Update: March 28, 2018  

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