Review:Sequencing visual texts published by Prim Ed

Review: Sequencing visual texts published by Prim-Ed Sequencing Visual Texts (Ages 4-7) is a series of three teacher resource photocopiable books to support the teaching and learning of sequencing for 4-6 years of age. These would be suitable for Infants and early 1st Class as well as the SET setting. There are three books with … Read more

Review: Gross Motor Skills Development Activities

Gross motor skills are involved in the movement and coordination of the arms, legs, and other large body parts and movements. They participate in actions such as running, crawling, swimming, etc. We may notice children at yard, in the line or in our PE classes who may need support in these areas. This book aims … Read more

Review: Fine motor skills (Prim-Ed)

Fine Motor Skills is one of a two-part publication series in the area of development of motor skills in the primary or Early years setting. The other publication is on the subject of Gross motor skills which I will be reviewing this year here at as well. Fine motor skills is a thorough and … Read more

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