Newsletter #7

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System.

I was on the airwaves in the last couple of weeks about the new primary curriculum, both on Pat Kenny’s and Matt Cooper’s shows, where we hit on Ireland’s two favourite topics, sex and religion. 


SET Allocations has been the main show in town with many of us scratching our head about where the hell the phrase “quantum of hours” was conjured from. My guess is it’s a bespoke part of a dictionary. However, there was some other news in the world of primary education this fortnight!


U2 ‘couldn’t be prouder’ of Music Generation, which they partially-fund, and then expect schools to pay for the rest, but the second bit is never mentioned.


Every primary school is going to get a coding kit, which I hope won’t be this year’s ICT grant! Teachers write to the Minister to tell them they are at breaking point and are told that they aren’t.


Meanwhile, Britain’s Strictest Headteacher is back in the news because the former government social mobility “tsar” (honestly!) Katharine Birbalsingh, is in the high court over the school’s treatment of Muslim students. The history of tsars and Muslims is an interesting one with several books written about Islam in Russia but that’s probably for a different newsletter!

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