Anseo Apps: Aimsir (Weather)

NOTE: This program is not working at the moment. I’m working on a fix and hopefully it should be back soon.’s next free offering is “Aimsir” where students can learn about the different types of weather.  It’s an Interactive Whiteboard game to teach Gaeilge vocabulary relating to the weather.  As with our other apps, it is completely free to download and use.
The game has 6 activities:

  • A slideshow with sound
  • Hangman
  • Listen and click
  • Matching Words to Pictures
  • Drag and Drop
  • Multiple Choice

Each game is designed for use on an interactive whiteboard for whole class teaching of vocabulary relating to the weather.  To download the game, please click on this link: An Aimsir

0 thoughts on “Anseo Apps: Aimsir (Weather)”

  1. The following message comes up when I click the download option –
    “Restricted Content
    This file is no longer available. For additional information contact Dropbox Support.”
    Any chance it can be fixed?

    • Thanks for the comment, Colm. It seems to be a problem with Dropbox. I’ve contacted them just now so hopefully the issue should be resolved in the next couple of days.

    • Hi Deirdre
      Yes, the problem was fixed but not to my satisfaction. Dropbox wouldn’t let me store the file on their server so if you send me an email through the contact form, I’ll email the program on to you.

  2. In bad news, the program will no longer work so I’m working on a fix for it. Hopefully it should be up and running soon.

    • Really sorry, Ciara. I just can’t get it working. Really annoying as it was a decent piece of software for what I needed it to do. I even spent €100 on an updated version of the program I used to create it and that didn’t work either.

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