Review:Prim-Ed Essentials…

I am in a writing group and we often debate various pieces of grammar. From now on, I am going to bring Prim-Ed’s essential grammar sheets along! That will settle things easily!

The Prim-Ed Essentials study guides are made up of 5 different topics. They are grammar, writing, spelling, shape/space/measurement/date and Number/Algebra/Strategies. They are suitable for 3rd class upwards and are laminated pieces of coloured card that can fold back or be placed into a ring binder for handy reference.

The Grammar set looks at punctuation and parts of speech, inavluable for the English class and the spelling guides go through spelling rules, though if I was having issues with spelling, I might find these rules less helpful than more helpful. Research by Brendan Culligan shows that learning spelling rules are quite limited in helping children who struggle with them.

The writing guides looks specifically at writing frameworks in both poetry and writing genres. It covers a quick summary of the main frameworks like recount, exposition, explanation, procedure, narrative and information report. The poetry frameworks go through string, shape, cinquain, acrostic, pattern poems and haikus. Some of these were new to me!

The maths guides go through mental maths tactics, problem solving aids and number/algebra facts.

I would use these esential guides not only as a child but as a teacher, great for recapping on new themes or content you may have to teach and presented in a colouful, visual way that will reinforce the learning for the child.

They are really good value at €2.50 a guide and could be placed on a book list for 3rd class and reused until the student finished his/her leaving cert.

You can purchase these at

Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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