Review:Songs and finger plays for the early years-Prim-Ed

Review:Songs and finger plays for the early years-Prim-Ed

Songs and finger plays for the early years is a new resource book for teachers and parents. It is divided into 8 themes, which all relate very well to the infant classroom in Ireland. It aims to work on social, language, fine motor, fundamental and mathematical skills using poetry, songs and finger play to achieve this. The songs are set to well known recognised nursery songs and the chants are all accompanied with finger movements. Having worked as an infant teachers for a couple of years, I would find this book extremely useful, practical and fun. It would be suitable for Junior or Senior Infant classes.

Relevance to curriculum aims: 5/5 This book has total relevance to the Irish Primary curriculum, it integrates and links within English, music and branching out into the Aistear Early Years curriculum. Much of the first term in an infant classroom is spent on nursery rhymes, poems and movement chants to help the children understand routine and structure within the day.
Teacher usability: 4/5-Extremely, the teacher can use this as part of his/her thematic planning, the themes are wide ranging. They include All about me, animals, families, everyday things, families, maths, science, seasonal celebrations and at school. Perfect. That’s my themes for the year! You can also use totally randomly as each activity is designed to fit into any scheme or lesson. The only crib I have is the lack of learning outcomes. This would be something the teacher would have to make themselves, based on the curriculum objectives.
Value for money: 4/5 Great value, it’s photocopiable nursery rhymes can be cut up and handed to parents for homework and revision. It’s a great way for parents to become involved in a relevant way for their child.It’s €24.95, which is great value as you will use this again and again.
Extras: No extras though I know Prim-Ed are using digital books on their website, this is brilliant for teachers with projectors/IWBs in their classroom, enabling them to link reading in with oral English work.

This review was written by Rozz Lewis and you can contact her at [email protected] if you have any questions or just fancy a chat!

Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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