Newsletter #16

The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System.
Read the full newsletter here

It wouldn’t be the summer holidays in Ireland if there weren’t stories about lack of school places and lack of school buses, and this year didn’t disappoint. However, what there is a lack of is interesting stories about education itself.

No, instead it’s Norma Foley still banging on about banning Smartphones in schoolsthe cost of hiring taxis to bring children to school, and the cost of school unifiorms. I’m not even sure I can call the regular debate about single sex schools vs co-ed schools educational.

I had to go to the UK to find anything remotely related to pedagogy in the newspapers and the Guardian headline: “Add ice-lolly licking to England primary school curriculum, urge scientists” just about quenched my thirst. 

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The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System.Read the full newsletter here Back to school brought another perennial story – large

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The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System.Read the full newsletter here I’ve been mostly thinking about Special Education since I

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