Review&Competition:Language Games Galore-CD ROM

Review&Competition:Language Games Galore-CD ROM have been sent a whole bundle of wonderful CD-ROMs from Prim-Ed and they have also kindly offered us some for this month’s competition.

I’m going to look at the Letters and Sounds and the Rhyming Words CD-ROMS together as they link things really well in terms of what an infant teacher will be trying to focus in on in the literacy lesson.


They can be used whole-class, group or individually for a support situation and what I really liked about these games is that they also contain a digital book, which includes activity pages and game cards, with the ability to zoom, crop or isolate pages for printing. So, depending on the needs and interests of your class, you can decide to use physical games for teaching phonics, phonological awareness, onset and rime etc or you can use the interactive games on the CD-ROM.

The games are all bright, colourful and really easy to use. Simple activities utilised on the CD-ROM are memory or match it kinds.

The Letters and Sounds activities included are:

  • initial, medial and final sounds
  • letter-sound correspondence like consonant blends, short and long vowels, vowels with “r” and vowel digraphs and dipthongs.

The Rhyming Words and Word Families activities are:

  • distinguishing between print and pictures.
  • identifying the same sound in words.
  • identifying rhyming words.
  • blending phonemes
  • decoding activities

These games could be used up to a second class level, depending on the student’s abilities and up to 6th Class in a support class, dependant on ability and needs.

The CDs are available from at the price of €22.95. As I have mentioned before, Prim-Ed are being very generous to us and offering us the Language Games Galore CDs in this month’s competition!

In order to enter, all you have to do is subscribe to by filling in the form below or on the side of the web site. All subscribers will be entered into a draw and one lucky winner will be drawn on 30th March. By subscribing, you will receive an email when we write an article on If you have subscribed already, you will be entered into the draw too.


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Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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