038. Reduce the number of stakeholders in primary education

Have you ever wondered what happens when the Department of Education has a meeting with all education partners? I always did and wondered what it would look like. When I was invited to represent a body regarding a new Department of Education initiative, I could see exactly why the education system is so messy. I … Read more

Do we need Teaching Council 2.0?

It hasn’t been the best couple of months for the Teaching Council. Established six years ago “to promote teaching as a profession” and to “regulate standards” in teaching, the general perception amongst the teaching profession is that it hasn’t really achieved its aims. With the latest fiasco of errors in the latest election ballot forms, … Read more

Anseo Radio Week 3

This week Rozz speaks about the latest news with the Teaching Council and the fiasco of their election mix up and the potential downfall of CEPP. She also looks at ways of protecting your iPad and finally talks about how she broke her MacBook!

Podcast: Anseo Radio

Rozz takes over the podcasting on Anseo.net with her first full podcast. In her first episode, she discusses CEPP, the controversial new proposal from the Teaching Council that will flip the role of the principal to being the one who probates Newly Qualified Teachers. She also discusses the upcoming CESI conference.  Finally, she bigs up our new site, Mash.ie.  Have a listen now!

It's oh so quiet..New draft document on Inspectorate handing probation to Principals

Email I got an email today from the Teaching Council and I almost deleted it straightaway! I was glad I didn’t. Last year at the Irish Primary Principals Conference, Harold Hislop played panto bad guy with the principals. He told us that we would probate newly qualified teachers. We told him we wouldn’t. He told … Read more