Not a SMART move

SMART, the company behind the Smartboard Interactive Whiteboard announced that their software “SMART Learning Suite” which includes the only program teachers probably ever used “Smart Notebook” can no longer be sold or used with  other displays. While this probably isn’t going to affect that many Irish primary school teachers since we’ve moved way beyond Interactive Whiteboard software, … Read more

Smartboard Training Tour

If you own a Smartboard, there’s going to be some Smartboard training coming your way in May and June. Stephen Linnane from Liosdoire Copmputers sent a timetable of training dates for teachers. Please contact the individual centres for more information. 11th May – Blackrock Ed Centre 12th May –  Drumcondra Ed Centre 13th May … Read more

Press Release: Liosdoire

Perhaps in the excitement of Sunday’s game, Liosdoire have asked me to post up the following press release which can also be found on their web site: Kerry GAA have installed a 680 Smartboard in their headquarters in Austin Stack Park Tralee. They will use this for coaching teams and for presentations at meetings. … Read more

Sunday Business Post: moving shapes around a screen

Because I always have a lot to say about IWBs, this is a separate article to the main Sunday Business Post article I wrote a couple of hours ago. If you haven’t seeen the other post, basically the newspaper did a seven page sepcial on technology in education. There were 3 articles about Interactive Whiteboards, none of which featured any feedback from schools that are using them. The marketing development manager of Steljes, Greg Tierney, was featured in the main article. Steljes are the people behind selling Smartboards (and they also sponsor an advertisement on Some guy from GoInteractive and another somebody from 3M (huh?) were also featured in smaller articles.

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And the IPPN Cheapest Interactive Whiteboard Solution is…

Good news for’s sponsors, SmartBoard – one of their resellers beat all the competition to become the cheapest fully-featured Interactive Whiteboard Solution.   Liosdoire Computers, based in Co. Kerry, are a very well-known company, which opened in 2002.

Lisdoire Computers – the cheapest IWBs in Ireland

They have been doing the education exhibition circuit since I became aware of Interactive Whiteboards and their salesmanship and service is individual and, as far as I could see, very competitive.

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Promethean software won't be free but…

The New Inspire EditionOk, so it’s not going to be free, but Promethean’s new software, to be released in March can be summed up in one word – sexy.  Daryl, their software guy, allowed me to have a sneak preview at it at IPPN and there are some excellent improvements.  The other great news is that if you own a different IWB, you can download the software restriction-free for €99.  For a piece of software that was up until now worth (in my estimation) about €400-500, this is a bargain.

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How to get an Interactive Whiteboard for less than €2,500

An interactive whiteboard can cost you and your school a lot of money.  The most expensive one I can find costs nearly €6,000.  The marketing people say it’s the cream of the crop – adjustable height, short-throw projector, excellent after-sales service, free training, etc. etc.  However, when you can buy an Interactive Whiteboard for less than €2,500 that does everything anyone would want an Interactive Whiteboard to do, is the extra €3,500 worth it?  I don’t think so.  And…furthermore, is the sub €2,500  Interactive Whiteboard any worse than the €6,000? In a word, no.  So, here’s what you need for an excellent Interactive Whiteboard.

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