Interactive Whiteboard Review 2

It’s coming!  The latest Interactive Whiteboard review has over 45 types of Interactive Whiteboard available in Ireland reviewed and rated – and there’s some changes, including a new number one IWB.  The results of this survey will be published on 31st May at 9am.  Thanks to all the companies who updated me with their latest prices – in many cases,  it has helped its rating. (Main image has been taken from

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Teachnet Podcast #7 – Interactive Whiteboards

This week I was invited for the second time to speak on the Teachnet podcast station and the topic was Interactive Whiteboards. I’m fairly happy with what I had to say although I failed to mention many of the options by name except for Promethean and Smart.  I mentioned eBeam too.  However, I regret that I didn’t get to mention my favourite IWBs, which are less well known but excellent products. 

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ICT procurement frameworks from the NCTE

Thanks to Batt O’Keefe’s decision to award €2.2 million to some primary schools for ICT equipment, the NCTE have decided to introduce some frameworks in order to spend all that money.  There are guidelines on projectors prices, laptop prices, printer prices and visualiser prices…but no mention of Interactive Whiteboards at all.  So, the question on my lips is, naturally, why?

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IWBFAQ: Why has eBeam not been promoted as much as Smart and Promethean?

Why has eBeam not been promoted as much as Smart and Promethean?
There’s both historic and capacity reasons for this.  Promethean have a “relationship” with the IPPN which means they are promoted hugely by them.  Also, both Smart and Promethean have huge teams behind them.  EBeam is used around the world, probably just as much, but in Ireland, it’s smaller independent companies that are selling them.  They don’t have fancy business cards or goodie bags and are genuinely selling on the merit of the goods as they see it.  Their marketing budgets aren’t in the league of the big two.

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Launching I.W.B.F.A.Q.

I’ve decided to start a new iniative on this web site called IWBFAQ, which stands for Interactive Whiteboards – Frequently Asked Questions.  Like Kat with phonics, I’ve noticed that I answer a lot of the same questions about Interactive Whiteboards and I thought that I could archive any answer I give on a miling list or forum to save some time.

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And the IPPN Cheapest Interactive Whiteboard Solution is…

Good news for’s sponsors, SmartBoard – one of their resellers beat all the competition to become the cheapest fully-featured Interactive Whiteboard Solution.   Liosdoire Computers, based in Co. Kerry, are a very well-known company, which opened in 2002.

Lisdoire Computers – the cheapest IWBs in Ireland

They have been doing the education exhibition circuit since I became aware of Interactive Whiteboards and their salesmanship and service is individual and, as far as I could see, very competitive.

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Promethean software won't be free but…

The New Inspire EditionOk, so it’s not going to be free, but Promethean’s new software, to be released in March can be summed up in one word – sexy.  Daryl, their software guy, allowed me to have a sneak preview at it at IPPN and there are some excellent improvements.  The other great news is that if you own a different IWB, you can download the software restriction-free for €99.  For a piece of software that was up until now worth (in my estimation) about €400-500, this is a bargain.

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Is Promethean Software about to be free?

Are my dreams about to come true?  Last summer I met with two Promethean representatives and I spoke to them about SmartBoard’s Notebook software and advised them that they offered it for free.  I suggested to them that ActivPrimary may do something similar never thinking it would happen as it is one of the best pieces of software for Interactive Whiteboards around.  A collegue of mine emailled with the following statement from Ian Curtis, the head of Promethean in the UK and Ireland:

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One week left to TouchIT

There’s only one week left before the Irish launch of the new TouchIT Interactive Whiteboard and frankly I’m very excited.  This could be the best IWB yet!  So far, there has only been one IWB that lets you interact with your finger and it costs over €5,000.  This one costs half that and appears to be just as good or even better.

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