CESI National Conference 2010

CESI National Conference “Creative Technology in Challenging Times” 12th and 13th February 2010 At the 2010 Computers in Education Society of Ireland’s (CESI) Annual Conference, we plan to highlight the varied and creative ways teachers are using ICT to enhance teaching and learning at primary and post primary level. In that spirit, the theme for … Read more

Taking our name in vain

Reading the latest INTO magazine, Intouch, I was surprised to see that both the INTO and the College of Progressive Education have decided to use the title “Anseo” in two of their respective areas.  Firstly, the INTO LGB Teachers’ Group have decided to call their conference, “Anseo”, which is focusing on issues of inclusion in the staff room.  This conference costs €40.

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Topp Day in Tipp

The ICT in Education Conference was held in the Tipperary Institute today.  It’s in its fifth year and it was the first time that I was able to make it due to their decision to move it to the weekend.  To sum it up in one word – inspiring; but one word couldn’t do it justice so I’ve decided to post all about my day in Tipp here hoping that it might inspire people to go to next year’s conference.

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ICT in Education Conference

Tipperary Institute is proud to announce the 5th ICT in Education
conference which will take place in the Tipperary Institute Thurles
campus on Saturday 16th May 2009. This conference is targeted
primarily towards Irish primary and second level teachers but all
people that are interested in the adoption of technology  in
education are welcome.

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CESI Conference 2009

On Friday and Saturday, 13th & 14th February, the Computer Education Society of Ireland (CESI) held their annual conference and this time there were some changes.  Due to the Department of Education’s crazy substitution cover ruling, CESI felt that they needed to work outside of school hours so for the first time, the event was held on a Friday night and all-day Saturday.  Friday night was restricted to 70 people and was held in a conference room in the Malron Hotel, Tallaght.

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CESI Conference

The CESI Conference is a brilliant event if you’re in any way interested in ICT in Education. There’s loads of great talks and workshops. This year there’ll be talks on all sorts of things like Interactive Whiteboards, Blogging, Games Programming, Video, Mobile Phones and loads loads more. There’ll also be a load of people exhibiting … Read more

@nseo.net Blogging workshop at CESI

CESI, the Computers in Education Society of Ireland, hold an annual conference and this year I was lucky enough to be selected to give a workshop called Blogging in Primary – essentially how to use a blog in primary schools.  My main purpose was to show how easy it is for schools to set up a … Read more

@nseo @ the CESI Conference

CESI, the Computers in Education Society of Ireland, are having their annual conference in Dublin on February 8th and 9th.  @nseo.net will be giving a workshop on Blogging in a primary school setting.  If you’ve registered on the web site and haven’t managed to blog yet, the CESI conference is a great way to begin!  … Read more