#AnShop Supermarket Maths

How cheaply could you paint the wall of your classroom? How much more would it be to paint the wall more quickly? How would you know? #ss

#AnShop Supermarket Maths

This week’s supplement is from Clickandgo and my maths question is all about Christmas market breaks. Pick a holiday destination and find out the cheapest way to stay there for 3 nights. #ss

#AnShop Supplement Maths

This weekend’s supplement is from Samuel Windsor. My questions would be along the lines of how much would it cost to buy: all the black shoes or all the slip on shoes or all the Oxford shoes. Any other ideas? #ss

#AnShop Supplement Maths

Today’s supplement is from B&Q. Here’s my question. How much would it cost to floor and tile your classroom? #ss

#AnShop Supermarket Maths

This week’s supermarket supplement is from Aldi with a weekly school lunch planner. My question is, which day provides the cheapest lunch? (To make it more higher order, make sure to think about how much of each product you’ll need. For example, will you eat all the apples on Monday or just one?) #ss

#AnShop Supermarket Maths

From Lidl’s Fuel for School supplement. What sort of maths questions can you think of? 1. Which bread is the best value? (Don’t just look at price) 2. Estimate how much it would cost to make a sandwich for everyone in the class. Which bread would be the cheapest option. 3. Graph the class’ favourite … Read more

Maths Week Tables Tips

Throughout Maths Week, teachers around the country were asked to give tips for learning multiplication tables using the hashtag, #tablestips, on Twitter.  We had a good response with 16 teachers tweeting lots of different tips.  The most popular tip involved the 9 times tables, with several good ideas to help learn them.  Other ideas included … Read more

Maths Week Twitter Project 2011

This year Maths Week takes place in Ireland from 15th to 22nd October.  Already in its sixth year, the event has gained huge popularity.  This year, I’ve decided to try out a Twitter project for the week to help children to learn their times tables.  If you’re interested in joining in, all you need is … Read more

My take on the Maths Crisis

As with the Leaving Certificate results, the Junior Certificate’s showed that there is a worrying trend in maths results in this country.  Most of the focus is being centred on the estimation from the Teaching Council that over 30% of maths teachers hold no 3rd level qualifications in mathematics. However, just because a teacher has … Read more

Missing the Point about Maths

I don’t usually comment on second level education on Anseo.net.  However, I’m fairly open about the fact that I think the Leaving Cert is a dreadful idea.  Like many others, I feel that the Leaving Cert is simply a memory exercise, where one has to – in the words of Daithí Ó’Mhurchú – regurgitate the … Read more