Digital Art Week 2015

Digital Art Week 2015 took place during Tech Week from April 26th to May 1st with over 100 pieces of Digital Art uploaded to the official web site as well as a load of images and art shared on Twitter under the #artweek15 hashtag. This year pupils were encouraged to gain inspiration from various art … Read more

Digital Art Week 2015

Digital Art Week is back for another year. For those of you who haven’t done it yet, Digital Art Week gives primary school children around Ireland the opportunity to share their art with other children around the country and complete some fun visual arts activities. As it’s digital, over the course of the week, schools … Read more

Digital Art Week 2012

Digital Art Week 2012 was a fantastic success with almost 100 schools registered to join in. I thought I’d share some of the statistics from the week to celebrate some of the events that went on. Overall, in the week, 229 individual tweets were sent on Twitter with the hashtag #artweek12. The Twitter users who … Read more

Apps for Art Week

Below are some apps from the Apple AppStore that might be useful to schools for Digital Art Week this week. I have divided them into sections/themes.


Looking and Responding

Creating Art

Digital Art Week Instructions

Digital Art Week starts next week so here is a simple step-by-step guide to adding your children’s art. Make a piece of art using any electronic device. You can use a Painting package, an app on an iPad or other tablet or anything else. Use your imagination! Go to this web site: Fill in … Read more

Digital Art Week – Art Links

Digital Art week begins in three weeks and things are moving well. We’ve been asking people on Twitter to suggest some good web sites relating to art using the event’s hashtag #artweek12. Here are some of the responses so far

Digital Art Week is Coming

After last year’s great success, Digital Art Week will take place from 23rd – 27th April 2012. Children all over Ireland will have the opportunity to share their own creations with the world. We’ve teamed up with Éigse, Carlow’s International Arts Festival, who will be hosting all children’s work in a special digital gallery! Lots … Read more

Digital Art Week on Tour!

When Damien, Fred and I came together to plan out Digital Art Week (#tap2011 on Twitter), I don’t think any of us expected it to have been such a great success!  With great support from loads of teachers around the country, we now have a permanent digital art gallery with 365 original images.  The report … Read more