10 Suggestions for the Teaching Council re: Droichead

I have been giving out about Droichead for quite some time so thought it might be a good idea to publish some suggestions as to how the Teaching Council might remedy their appalling handling of trying to introduce impose it on schools. Here are my ideas. Spend 2016-17 piloting different models for Teacher Induction. Publish an FAQ … Read more

Thoughts on the Digital Strategy

The Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020 is the latest attempt by the government to come up with a strategy for the use of technology in education. Its timing is more interesting than the last few because it is accompanied by money. This article aims to summarise what’s on offer and how it’s all going to … Read more

IPPN Conference Principalmeet

Kathleen Byrne is organising the first national Principalmeet at the IPPN conference this year. It’s happening this Friday at 1pm and it’s going to be one of the hidden highlights of the conference. Anyone who attends this meet will come away with a vast array of ideas from their colleagues. In this guest post, Kathleen … Read more

How is school leadership connected with Emotional Intelligence? Part 2

In part 1, I gave a brief summary of what emotional intelligence and how it has developed along the way. I’d like to look at the link between school leadership and emotional intelligence. I was forwarded on an article on this very subject a while back. It makes for interesting reading, here’s the main points. … Read more

Guest author:Surviving and Thriving as a School Leader by Sean Ruth

Surviving and Thriving as a Leader by Seán Ruth School leadership is a particularly demanding role. It works particularly well when approached as a collaborative, listening process. However, no matter how competent and effective any leader may be, it is also the case that leadership roles tend to attract some potentially very destructive reactions from those … Read more

Fear of leadership

Whenever I tell anyone that I am a Principal, they look slightly in awe and fear..They always( 99%) say ” Wow, I don’t know how you do it…I could never do it..I would be scared…I couldn’t handle people…” The job of the Principal (when advertised) is usually ignored, many principal jobs have to be re … Read more