"Bia" – a Flash game

Bia is a game written by Beryl Healy, a teacher from Drumcondra NS, who very kindly offered Anseo.net the opportunity to host and share the programme with members.  This game looks really great and would suit an IWB very nicely.  Play Bia.

Bhí Ocras Orm

Anseo.net introduces its first fully-featured piece of software for 2008-09.  Bhí Ocras Orm is an interactive Gaeilge resource. It is first and foremost a computerised book which tells the story of a boy who keeps eating until he get a “pian in a bholg”.  There are 6 interactive games to support the book all of which … Read more

Oíche Shamhna Daoibh!

Download, print and laminate! Hi all! I spent ages making these flashcards as Gaeilge for my lessons this week so I thought why not share? The images are all belonging to anseo so enjoy!

Posters of the Seasons

Thanks to Ciaram for sending me the Word documents with the seasons and months.  I believe they come from an Australian web site, but I don’t know who they are.  I edited them so all they are now as Gaeilge. Free Download of Posters

Examples of Gaeilge Displays

I’m not sure who “SunflowerLily” is, but she has taken some great photos of her classroom this year with lovely classroom displays as Gaeilge. To have a look at these photos, click here and be both jealous and inspired!

Verb List – Faigh

  Verb List (Faigh) This set of verbs posters follows the verb “faigh” – to find or get – which is an irregular verb. The past has the root “fuair”, the present has the root “faigh” and the future has the root “gheobhaidh” which is really hard to spell! As always, please rate these downloads … Read more

Verb List – Abair

  Verb List (Abair) This set of verbs posters follows the verb “abair” – to catch – which is an irregular verb. None of the past, present or future use the root abair.  The past has the root “dúirt”, the present has the root “deir” and the future has the root “déar” As always, please … Read more

Verb List – Teigh

  Verb List (Teigh) This set of verbs posters follows the verb “teigh” – to go – which is an irregular verb. The past has the root “chuaigh”, the present has the root “teigh” and the future has the root “rachaidh”…some of the negatives are even irregular too!  As always, please rate these downloads and … Read more

Verb List – Beir

Verb List (Beir) This set of verbs posters follows the verb “beir” – to catch – which is an irregular verb. The past has the root “rug”, the present has the root “beir” and the future has the root “béar”… eek! As always, please rate these downloads and don’t forget to add your comments. Download … Read more

Verb list – Déan

Verb List (Déan) This set follows the verb “déan” – to make or to do – which is a slightly irregular verb with the past tense taking the form rinne.  As always, please rate these downloads and don’t forget to add your comments. Download present tense | Download past tense | Download future tense