Pension Levy Cuts and Strike Action

11_45_12-ballot-box_webI’ve stayed fairly quiet on the whole pension levy on  There are a couple of reasons for this.  Firstly, there have been a lot of IWBs to review and secondly, I really thought the government would have fallen by now.  Sadly, it hasn’t and now we’re being balloted for industrial action.  To be honest, I don’t know what we should do.

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You're Going to Hate Me…

cesi-nano-simon-lewisThis evening, sometime between 7pm and 9pm, I gave a talk entitled: “You’re Going to Hate Me!”  It’s a two minute talk about how I intend to spend the €5,000 per classroom my school received from Batt O’Keefe and how any school that wasn’t on the list could be entitled to the grant.  In case I make a balls of the presentation or I run out of time, below is the text of what I intended to say.  I have scheduled this post to go up on at 9pm.

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ICT procurement frameworks from the NCTE

Thanks to Batt O’Keefe’s decision to award €2.2 million to some primary schools for ICT equipment, the NCTE have decided to introduce some frameworks in order to spend all that money.  There are guidelines on projectors prices, laptop prices, printer prices and visualiser prices…but no mention of Interactive Whiteboards at all.  So, the question on my lips is, naturally, why?

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Talks have broken down

So, I heard today that talks have broken down between our social partners and our “leader” Brian Cohen….
What will happen next? Let me predict the worse..

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And the IPPN Cheapest Interactive Whiteboard Solution is…

Good news for’s sponsors, SmartBoard – one of their resellers beat all the competition to become the cheapest fully-featured Interactive Whiteboard Solution.   Liosdoire Computers, based in Co. Kerry, are a very well-known company, which opened in 2002.

Lisdoire Computers – the cheapest IWBs in Ireland

They have been doing the education exhibition circuit since I became aware of Interactive Whiteboards and their salesmanship and service is individual and, as far as I could see, very competitive.

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Irish Teachers' Attitude to Web 2.0

I recently surveyed 100 teachers – I wanted more but I think there’s a limit on Survey Monkey‘s basic package – about their views on Internet applications.  I wanted to check what web 2.0 applications they used and which ones they trusted.  I wanted to see if my suspicions – that Irish primary teachers were scared to post their opinions on a public forum – were true.  Effectively, they were less true than I thought.

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paycuts…boo hiss

The only way I will take a paycut is if every person in this country takes one too! In particular all the fat cats…Was reading today in the papers that artists are exempt from any form of tax? hilarious as we are the only country in the whole world to have this craziness..Also read that … Read more

Calls to scrap teacher email system… did you even know it existed?

A couple of years ago when Ireland had money, the government, through the National Centre for Technology in Education, the NCTE, decided to pay a company to develop an email system for teachers.  Every teacher was going to be given an email address  I was one of the teachers chosen to pilot it in my school so I went for the training.  There was nothing particularly wrong with the system apart from the fact that it wasn’t very good. 

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