#dojoChatEU: Learning from mistakes in the classroom

Every week, I delve through ClassDojo’s Twitter chat and answer the questions that were posed. This week, our own Ciara Brennan, (@primedteacher), was the moderator and the topic was all about learning from mistakes. As usual, here and the questions and my answers. Q1. Failure is the mother of success. Do you agree or disagree? … Read more

School Autonomy Summarised

We got sent a really good summary of the Department of Education’s paper on School Autonomy. Also with many teachers, the author of the summary is very worried about many of the proposals. The Department is asking for submissions as part of a consultation (where have we heard that before?) Personally, I see this as … Read more

Create Calm Dining Halls

Review:How to Create Calm Dining Halls by Jenny Mosley This book aims to help schools with creating calm dining spaces, it also aims to encourage good manners, positive social skills and genuine enjoyment of the lunch or dining time slot in the school day. Most primary schools in Ireland do not have the luxury of … Read more

#DojoChatEU Transition Days

This week’s DojoChatEU was called Transition Days and focused on moving from one class to the next. In the UK, this seems to be a very structured affair, unlike over here where it is informal. In my school, for example, on the final day of the school year, children go to visit their new class. … Read more

Anything to Gain from Gain Time? #DojoChatEU

I find it difficult to attend ClassDojo’s chats every week so when this week’s DojoChat was about Gain Time, I wasn’t really able to take part as it is a UK-only affair but I was interested in the concept especially as the topic of transitioning from primary to secondary school was in focus on the week’s … Read more

IPPN Expo Preview

Every year, we preview the Irish Primary Principals’ Network (IPPN) conference and its Teacher Expo. This year, it is open to teachers on Thursday evening if their school has a delegate at the conference. As well as this, the IPPN have embraced Twitter fully and there is a hashtag #IPPN15 that can be followed. There are over … Read more

Overwhelmed and Underwhelmed: Web Summit

I was delighted to get the opportunity to go along to the Web Summit in Dublin for my first time to check out what sort of educational technology is doing the rounds around the world. If you’ve never been to the Web Summit, the main thing to account for is its sheer size: it is massive! … Read more

Review: Cloud Cuckoo World

With the baffling cuts to language learning in our primary schools in a time where learning languages such as French, German and Spanish has never been more important, there needs to be some sort of service out there for young children. Thankfully, the UK don’t seem to be as short sighted when it comes to … Read more

Editorial: June 2011

The final month of the school year has arrived already! The countdown to the summer holidays seems to have come a bit quicker due to the late Easter break but I’m sure it won’t be a relaxing one for principals and their Boards of Management as the recent IMF/government changes are causing all sorts of … Read more

Review: Céard É Sin? (ResourcED)

When it comes to educational software, Irish teachers can generally rely on other countries such as the UK, USA and Australia for most subject areas.  However, the one exception is Gaeilge.  While there have been some valiant attempts to make decent Irish language software, there are many problems.  Firstly, there’s the problem of the very … Read more