Scoilnet services now available at home to teachers

One of the criticisms that teachers had of Scoilnet’s services such as the World Map, the Britannica Encyclopaedia and the Irish Times Archive was that we could only access them at school. Furthermore, schools could only access these services if they had a decent Broadband connection from the NCTE. The good news is that the … Read more

The end of the Blog

The NCTE are still rolling out their free web space but because they have two different hosting packages, everybody is confused including themselves.  I’ve received a couple of emails since I gave my talk on Blogging at the CESI conference asking me about the Scoilnet hosting.  I usually just refer them on to the NCTE helpdesk.  However, I got a worrying email from someone who has been trying to get a blog up and running but has hit a wall because the people on the NCTE helpdesk don’t know what she’s talking about.

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Review: Imagebank

Imagebank is an offshoot of the government agency, the N.C.T.E., National Centre for Technology in Education.  The idea is that teachers and pupils can search for images that can be used for free for educational purposes.  It’s been around for about a year. The reason I’m reviewing it now is because they’ve undergone a makeover.

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Thoughts on the Sunday Business Post

Today the Sunday Business Post published a 7 page special on technologies in education. It focussed on many aspects of ICT in all three levels of education. Amongst articles of interest to me as a primary school teacher were the NCTE’s plans to roll out laptops and projectors to us all, Interactive Whiteboards, Scoilnet’s services, Fís and a profile on constructionist learning in Gaelscoil Ó Doghair. I was not altogether happy with every article and below are my thoughts about each one.

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Calls to scrap teacher email system… did you even know it existed?

A couple of years ago when Ireland had money, the government, through the National Centre for Technology in Education, the NCTE, decided to pay a company to develop an email system for teachers.  Every teacher was going to be given an email address  I was one of the teachers chosen to pilot it in my school so I went for the training.  There was nothing particularly wrong with the system apart from the fact that it wasn’t very good. 

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