5 Ways to use ClassDojo’s ClassStory

ClassDojo, everyone’s favourite behaviour tracker, has released a new feature for the start of the school year, ClassStory. Earlier this year, ClassDojo started to allow teachers to share their students’ behaviour records with the relevant child’s parents using an app and this new feature extends this sharing. ClassStory is like a private Facebook wall for your classroom, … Read more

Featured in Irish Times Féilte Preview

We were delighted to be featured in the Irish Times’ preview of the Féilte event tomorrow in the RDS. We’ll be showcasing 10 simple ways to use technology in the primary classroom. Here is the text from the article. Thanks to Peter McGuire for choosing to feature our work. The life of a teacher: short … Read more

A new start to the year for me!

Happy New Year!
Yes, I know we are well into the New Year but it is never too late!

I started my new job last week, a new school, a new class and a new position! Started as a principal teacher of a 4 teacher school in Athy. Is it quite crazy to say that I feel settled in after 3 days? So much happened last week! I had to settle my own class in, 3rd and 4th Class.I introduced them to the Golden Time system and they are well impressed!I also teach Irish to the 5th and 6th class there while another teacher takes my class for maths..I miss maths, I never loved it as a child and struggled with it all the way but I think I am a really good Maths teacher! Is there a link there?

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